Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Family and Father Figure

Darian Peavy Professor Meehan Writing 101 6 April 2013 Fatherless I remember always thinking to myself as a kid: Was it my fault that my father wasn’t around? Was it my fault my family is struggling? My fault we can’t afford nicer things? While I would see the other kids getting picked up by their parents after school while I’m waiting on the school bus to take me home. At times it hurt, especially when I had to teach myself everything a father figure should have.Life without a father or in a single parent household has a burden on children, but it’s something that many children face in America today. It’s sometimes the reason why kids grow up and stray the wrong direction in life and then they grow up putting their children through the same thing they went through. Being fatherless is actually something that a lot of children suffer with in America, and it’s a vicious cycle that continues to run rampant through communities, both bad and good . â€Å"One-third of American children are growing up, without their biological father, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. In the past 50 years, the percentage of children who live with two married parents has dropped 22 points. During that same time, the number of babies born to unwed mothers jumped from 5 percent to 40 percent† (Stuart). It happens in many different ways, which include: one night stands, divorce, separation due to imprisonment or death, and etc. One situation that sticks out to me because it actually happened to me is the father walking out on his family, either after the child is born or before.When this happens the father usually has no idea the impact on the decision he has made. Most times its out of fear, he thinks he’s too young to have a child or family. Other cases include the father leaving because doesn’t want anything to do with the child. So he leaves with the thought that the child would be better off without him, when in fact h e’s making things worse. When this happens it causes children to blame themselves for what’s happened to them, to blame themselves for what’s happening to their family. They grow p questioning everything they see, without receiving any answers. They end up having bitter feelings or being jealous of other kids, and they struggle mentally and physically. â€Å"The growing trend of father absence could have grave implications for society, researchers say, because having dad around has been linked to important developments in a child's physical, emotional and behavioral health† (Stuart). In doing this they end up making a lot of the wrong decisions, end up struggling in school, and may end up committing crimes or dropping out of school.Another thing it causes is MORE children to grow up without fathers in America. This happens because children without fathers tend to experiment sexually sooner than other children, so they end up doing the same thing their fat her initially did to them. There has been a lot of research done on single parent households in collaboration to them growing up without fathers, some of the facts that were found are:   Young men who grow up in homes without fathers are twice as likely to end up in jail as those who come from traditional two-parent families. 3% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes. 85% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes. 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes. Boys who grow up in father-absent homes are more likely that those in father-present homes to have trouble establishing appropriate sex roles and gender identity. The likelihood that a young male will engage in criminal activity doubles if he is raised without a father and triples if he lives in a neighborhood with a high concentration of single-parent families.Lastly, in a longitudinal study of 1,197 fourth-grade students, researchers observed â€Å"greater levels of agg ression in boys from mother-only households than from boys in mother-father households† (Parker). It’s very sad that all of that can be caused simply because a father is not around. Sometimes children don’t become a statistic and actually close the cycle they’ve been put in, but others aren’t so lucky. A child can grow-up just with his or her mother, but there are things that a mother just can’t do.She can’t stop her child for blaming himself or herself, and she can’t stop the mental and physical burden that her child has to endure. Yes, as a mother she can handle everything on her own, but in the end the child still wonders. I had a wonderful mother growing up, and I appreciated everything she did for me. As her son there were things I just couldn’t ask her or talk to her about: I couldn’t ask her about woman, how to talk to a girl, how to get a girl to like me, or even about sex. So I had to experience things on my own, I had to learn the hard way in most cases.I fell right into the statistics that haunt fatherless children, I did horrible in school, I ended up smoking marijuana, indulged in sexual activities at a young age, and ended up not graduating with my class in high school. Luckily I realized what road I was taking before it was too late, and sometimes all that takes is someone to step up, come into your life and be that father figure. For me, it was my Marine Corps Recruiter, I finally had someone to talk to me about the things I should have already known if I had a father in my life and if it wasn’t for him who knows where I would be right now.Not every child is lucky enough to have experienced what I did, some of the friends I had growing up ended up with kids at an early age, ended up in prison, or are just completely unhappy with their life. There’s one thing I promised myself when I was younger because of my experiences, and that’s is: No matter the situat ion or current point I am in, in my life, I will never have my seed go through what I went through growing up. I haven’t had any children yet for that reason; I’m waiting until I know for a fact that I’m ready, mentally, physically, and financially.Sometimes I even catch myself being happy that I grew up the way I did, I made some poor choices and mistakes that I learned from, and I probably wouldn’t be the man I am today if that would have happened, so for that I am grateful. Change is something that needs to happen not only in America but all over the world. Men as a whole need to start taking responsibilities for their actions and being there for their children, even though with some cases it is hard especially when the father loses all custody for his child, but even this is no excuse for not being around.Like I said earlier, women are strong and can handle anything you throw at them, but there are still things a woman can’t teach her son or da ughter. It doesn’t seem like much but a father or a father like figure makes a significant difference in a child’s life, that it could be the difference of being depressed to happy, successful and unsuccessful, prison or not, or even life or death. Works Cited Stuart,  Elizabeth. â€Å"Fatherless America? A third of children now live without their dad. † Deseret News. , 22 May 2011. Web. 4 May 2009. Parker, Wayne. â€Å"Statistics on Fatherless Children in  America. † About. com Guide. Web.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How does work Guide the Development of the Self Essay

In man’s existence today, various concepts exist which if learnt and adhered to, can change the very quality of life itself. This is admirably conveyed by Emerson in his essay on self reliance and also deduced from chapters seven and eleven of Thoreau’s book on Walden. In chapter seven, the author narrates the story of an impoverished farmer who toils on his farm from sunrise to sunset, while in chapter 11, Thoreau dwells on the qualities of the inner person. After reading these essays, one is convinced that the most important attribute in life is that which is gained from knowledge of our true being as intended by the creator. Beginning with Emerson’s work, self trust is shown to be the key to self reliance because man’s true nature is that which is within him. We are all individuals in the eyes of providence, each with our own place which we must learn to accept and respect. It is only when we exercise self trust in the abilities given to us, that we will be able to improve as human beings. The author goes on to say that when we cultivate a respect for ourselves, we reject that which is external and which we spend every waking moment looking for. What is important is not the acquisition of material wealth, but rather, internal spiritual wealth. It is only when we place our faith in GOD, who is the most trustworthy and sits in our heart, that we gain self trust. He then works through our hands and predominates our beings. When you are in conformity, this undercuts your self reliance because it scatters your forces, and the real you cannot be detected. You tend to do things as everybody does. It is therefore important to be your own individual and your uniqueness will be evident. Consistency, on the other hand, enslaves us to our pasts because we are constantly judging our present with 2 tandards from the past. We fear to be contradicted by our peers and are therefore less and less self reliant. Self reliance is evident from the bean field chapter of Thoreau because the farmer was rewarded for his hard work with a harvest of twelve bushels. He did not have the benefit of modern farm implements or labor, yet he loved his work and was rewarded for it. This is a demonstration of self reliance born out of necessity. Instead of discouragement at the prospect of toil, the farmer confronted the ordeal happily and with spiritual calm. Additionally, he gained much more than money. He earned the respect of his neighbors, confidence and experience from his work. John Fields is another impoverished farmer who has a wife and a family to feed. Unfortunately, he is in a situation where survival dictates that he works for a wage as someone’s employee. For this very reason, he cannot be self reliant. Additionally, in order to change his lifestyle, he faces the prospect of being unable to afford the necessities of everyday life, for example, tea, coffee, meat and clothes. He also seems unable to find the time to contemplate his spiritual wellbeing which may help him look at his life afresh. However, the concepts conveyed by Thoreau’s higher laws can prove invaluable to him. One of them is that, â€Å"Man flows to GOD when the channel of purity is open†. This means that Fields must seek GOD who will give him an inner calm. This will enable him to identify that for which he is best suited to do and treat himself with respect. Additionally, he will be able to find that which identifies him as an individual, thereby helping him to excel. The kind of wealth that is described in Emerson’s â€Å"wealth† essay is very foreign to John Field’s understanding. According to Emerson, wealth is the application of mind to nature. This requires that one draws a benefit from the labors of the greatest numbers of men, and also do what his creator intended him to do. Unfortunately, Fields is a laborer who is employed on a wage. He does not even understand the concept of business, let alone begin to fathom how he can employ others. Additionally, he may be in the wrong career and needs to re-evaluate it if he is to enjoy the fruits of a better lifestyle. When Frederick Douglas goes to the north, he discovers that work, unlike in the south, is done with pride and actually creates wealth without the need for slave labor. It also dawns on him that freedom of the mind is the perfect breeding ground for economic progress, which he sees in even former slaves. Additionally, with a free mind comes the possibility of improving the intellect through reading. The common thread running through these readings is that the mind and spirit come first before the body. Nature can only be conquered by the spirit and the best way to enrich the spirit is by accepting that GOD has a purpose for each and every one of us. He has given us individual qualities which we must strive to nurture. We must recognize these qualities and use them according to his will. If we do not see the advantage within our hearts, then we will, as individuals, continue to move in a crowd, and our uniqueness will not help us or humanity. Wealth is first and foremost, that of the heart and spirit.

Monday, July 29, 2019

FINLAND ENERGY POLICY Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

FINLAND ENERGY POLICY - Term Paper Example The ministry has been capable of establishing and exceptional versatile and decentralized energy system; they are based on both small and large energy production plants and a variety of energy sources. Finland itself has been capable of developing a strong energy technology or the energy cluster and it has grown in importance. The country has been in the forefront in the decreasing unnecessary regulation and therefore it has created preconditions for the greater efficacy and internationalization among the Finland’s energy companies (Ministry of Employment and the Economy, 2011). The Finland energy policy is based on three fundamentals: environment, economy and energy. The core elements of the policy are to secure the energy supply, develop competitive prices, and to meet the European Union common Energy and Climate goals. Another important principle is the integration of the environmental goals, other types of sustainable developments with the economy of energy. It is imperative to note that at each stage of the programme, the prospective price, the availability of the imported energy, and the larger frequency in which the decisions are made at the international level affect the energy policy (Ministry of Employment and the Economy, 2011). The energy policy of Finland is implemented in regard to the drawn-up energy policy documents like the objectives that have been set in the governmental negotiations and the Government’s Energy Policy Programme. There are factors that underpin the realization of the Finland energy policy and they are special programmes such as the National Climate and Energy Strategy and the international commitments. The energy policy was adopted in 2008 and it is determined by the National Climate and Energy Strategy and its additional programmes. The drafting of the Climate and Energy Strategy was done in consideration of the principles that underlie the energy

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Describe a balanced, integrated learning experience that would extend Essay

Describe a balanced, integrated learning experience that would extend the child(ren)'s learning in the area of interests, sicenc - Essay Example Geist (2001) contends that quantification is the basis for formal math. It synthesizes order by allowing an individual to count chronologically in a specific sequence and each object is counted only once. Babbington (2003) believes that opportunities abound to learn math and these need to be maximized by allowing children to engage in the activities themselves. Science The children’s own observations and comparisons (smooth wood vs. hard wood; sinking vs. floating) remained active throughout their play. DeBoo (2006) believes that observation is the most important skill in enquiry. Putting the wooden boats in the water, they explored how each will move by pushing it real hard. They discovered that some things float and some things sink. This shows that the children have pre-knowledge of the concepts of force and inertia and sinking and floating. While playing, their minds remain active and constantly coming up with new ideas. Paula observed that her boat does not go straight an d just goes around in circles. At this point, she may be associating her boat’s shape with the direction it goes. She thinks having a more triangular front will make it go faster. Another idea is Hone’s perception that his boat will be more stable if he adds more pieces of wood to it to balance it and make it float better. This is another example of scientific knowledge in physics although it is not explicit. Discovering a bumble bee in the water was another stimulant for scientific thinking. Paula knows that it can swim and may sting if touched. This is knowledge of biology and how living things survive. This may have been learned from previous experience or discussion about bees. It is good for children to be exposed to learning about their physical world. They are encouraged to develop an understanding of what things are made of and how other objects can associate with it (Backshall, n.d.) Technology In the beginning of the story, Hone volunteered to get hammer and nails for Paula because they wanted to build their own boats from scratch. Both children were familiar with the tools. However, since they are very young and still lacking in motor skills, they decided to collaborate in using the technology. While Hone hammers in the nail, Paula was tasked to hold on to the nail while she held it down with pliers. Not convinced that the boat will be fast enough, Paula suggested hers will have a â€Å"sharp bit at the front, like a triangle† and knew that she needed a saw to contour her boat. Howitt et al. (2007) believe that science should be hands-on and the manipulation of technology such as the tools of hammer & nails and saw is a reflection that children are allowed to explore and do science in their environment. Reference Babbington, S. (2003). The magic of early childhood mathematics. In Ministry of Education, Convention proceedings: Papers presented at the 8th Early Childhood Convention, 22-25 September 2003, Palmerston North/Manawatu, New Zealand. Backshall, B. ( ) Science for Infants and Toddlers. The First Years: New Zealand Journal of Infant and Toddler Education, Vol. 2, Issue 2. DeBoo, M. (2006) Chapter 16: Science in the Early Years Geist, E. (2001) Children are Born Mathematicians: Promoting the Construction of Early Mathematical Concepts in Children Under Five, Young Children, July, 2001 Howitt, C., Morris, M., & Colvill, M. (2007). Science teaching and learning in the early childhood years. In V. Dawson & G. Venville (Eds.), The art of teaching primary science (pp. 233-247).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Nantucket Nectars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nantucket Nectars - Essay Example Another source of short term finance is life savings. Tom and Tom with their lifetime savings of $17,000 were able to undertake some expansion. Like Nantucket Nectars, entrepreneurs like Tom and Tom did can borrow funds from local financial institutions or individuals. Short term borrowings may be in form of overdrafts with limits set by banks and interest charged at variable rates set by the banks. Short term loans may also extend up to a period of three years; such sources of cash do not require much collateral, hence easy access. Before short term lending is extended to firms’, factors such as purpose, amount, repayment period, term and security are considered and ascertained (Pride, William, Robert 2011). As a matter of urgency if deemed so, a company may welcome wealthy individuals who pump money into the business at the exchange of a percentage of shareholding. The sales director of Nantucket nectars advises that mike Egan be allowed to bring in $600,000 for the exchange with 50% of the company. Out of the companies profits it can decide to plough back some amount to grow the business in form of retained earnings. Though this means has a direct impact on dividends since it reduces the amount earned by shareholders hence they may complain (Pride, William, Robert 2011). Retained earnings are attractive sources of cashing in since managers think they don’t cost anything, it is at their discretion to make dividend decisions. Also retained earnings as opposed to issuing new shares help the firm to evade issue costs and this method also helps the management avoid change of control. Another factor which facilitates the consideration of retained earnings is the financial and taxation levels of the existing shareholders. If due to taxation, they would receive capital profit realizable only during taxation of shares sold than receive current income then retained earnings is preferred to other methods. Businesses can still cash in

Friday, July 26, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 18

International Business - Essay Example However, the company realized the fact that China would be one of the largest markets in near future. Hence, in 2006 it decided to set up a different home page in Chinese. The site is controlled and maintained by the Chinese employees who work in the company’s Shanghai and Beijing offices. The main challenge that Google faced was to meet up its users’ expectation while not violating the Chinese government’s rules regarding the content of politically sensitive issues. Google has been famous for providing all the relevant search results irrespective of the nature of the subject of search. As a result, when the company started its full-fledged operation in China, users expected that they could access to more information. However, Google had to abide by the Chinese rule and hence declared that the company would enable Chinese users to access â€Å"the greatest amount of information possible† (Henninger, 2006). The company was unable to provide the best informa tion regarding subjects like democratic reform, Falun Gong movement, Taiwanese independence and Tiananmen Square massacre. As a consequence, several experts especially the human rights activists showed their protest against the company. Google tried to manage the situation by saying that it is actually better to provide limited information rather than provide nothing. This was, though, not in alignment with the Google’s ethical values, but the company had to compromise in order to manage the legal challenges from the Chinese government. In this case of Google, Chinese government is the host government which has played significant role in limiting Google’s ability to provide information to its Chinese users. Chinese government has strong policy regarding the nature of information that is to be revealed to the people of the country. It has been very cautious so that the common Chinese people cannot gain insight into the

Paraphrasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Paraphrasing - Essay Example This course changed my belief immensely and I have also found out why they acted the way they did during the rule of Nazi and eventually under Adolf Hitler. I came to know how propaganda was used within the said time in an effective manner by Hitler and Nazi to get as much support from masses as possible. I also came to know that Hitler was loved by people since they believed in his passion and desire to do something for them (Gutsman, 1990.p.132). They were of the view that his undertakings were for the sake of the people at large. In essence, I would like to fathom that I learned a great deal about nationalism within this course which is something that gives me immense heart as my learning domains have increased over a period of time. This is something that I see as my learning during the length of this course. I have learned quite a few new things about Germans and the country that all of us know by the name of Germany. My insights have banked on the realization that any enlightened society can become horrible if bias, prejudice and racist slurs creep in. Same is the case with Germany and its people. It has been haunting them to this day and has set a negative mindset all round within the world. I do not consider myself as an exception to this rule. Moreover, I have learned that manipulations within cultural values and settings do take place, and it is imperative that people are given the chance to observe both sides of a story before reaching a conclusion. My case is no different because I learned that Germans have been misunderstood and that they need to be given their relevant time and space to showcase their true selves. I also acquired that nationalism is an important manifestation which one needs to have b ecause it defines who he is and what he can learn about a distinct set of people. In the end, I would like to recollect that

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Discussion Board Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussion Board Criminal Justice - Essay Example Law officers are known to lie under some pretext during an investigation to elicit information. The psychology of the criminals, the mandate of the Supreme Court, and the totality of the circumstance surrounding a case allows an officer to use psychic methods to bring forth revelations to solve cases. Officers in the process of interrogation can play this card if only to get valuable information from hardcore criminals. Rarely will any criminal openly declare his guilt in an interrogation unless he believes that the odds against him beating the case are overwhelming. Officers find themselves staring at an uncompromising, non-committal criminal in most cases. "If you can't beat them, join them" is a familiar phrase that most of us know. This is precisely what these officers in uniform do. Lie to a criminal, utilizing deception as a tool, to make it appear that there is evidence against the criminal to prove his involvement. This has a telling effect on the criminal. "A confession which is the product of an essentially free and unconstrained choice by its maker may be used as evidence to establish the guilt of the defendant in court. FSM v. Jonathan, 2 FSM Interim. 189,194 (Kos. 1986) Although questioning of witnesses and suspects is a necessary tool for the effective enforcement of criminal law, courts have recognized that there is an unbroken line from physical brutality to more subtle police use of deception, intimidation and manipulation, and that vigilance is required. FSM v. Jonathan, 2 FSM Interim. 189,195 (Kos. 1986) When a defendant has expressed a wish to meet with counsel before further questioning, questioning must cease at once. Any attempt by police officers to ignore or override the defendant's wish, or to dissuade him from exercising his right, violates 12 F.S.M.C. 218. FSM v. Edward, 3 FSM Interim. 224, 235 (Pon. 1987) Now consider these: Where a police officer promised to reduce charges if the defendant cooperated but there was no other showing of police intimidation or manipulation and the defendant had recognized that his guilt was apparent, the confession was not induced by the promises but instead was a voluntary response to the futility of carrying the deceit further. FSM v. Jonathan, 2 FSM Interim. 189,198 (Kos. 1986) In determining whether a defendant's statement to police is "voluntary," consistent with the due process requirements of the Constitution, courts should consider the totality of the surrounding circumstances. Courts review the actual circumstances surrounding confession and attempt to assess the psychological impact on the accused of those circum stances. FSM v. Edward, 3 FSM Interim. 224, 238 (Pon. 1987)" (Criminal Law and Procedure-Interrogation and Confession, zdigest.4.pdf referred on

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Litreview for easy topci--business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Litreview for easy topci--business - Essay Example Her major areas of research under this branch of study, revolved around estimating the costs of foodborne illnesses; assessing the legal initiatives for firms to produce safer food; as well as analyzing and studying international trade and food safety issues (USDA, 2011a). Dr. Fred Gale, is a senior economist, with extensive experience in the field of U.S. farm structure, rural economy as well as manufacturing employment issues. He has conducted extensive research in the field of market analysis of Chinese agricultural practices as well as international trade. His current field of work include analysis of Chinese food consumption patterns; exploring the agricultural finance trends in China etc among others (USDA, 2011b). Critical review of their work The article discusses the safety risks associated with food imports from China in the U.S. The authors have tried to explore various critical issues such as the potential safety hazards of food imports from the region in the U.S.; the ty pe of food imported from the region; and the causes behind FDA's rejection of food items imported from China. They have also critically assessed the Chinese food production system, and suggested measures to improve food safety in China.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Porters Diamond Theory Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Porters Diamond Theory Application - Essay Example The purpose of this report is to discuss the contribution of Porters diamond model to the success of Apple Incorporated. Various aspects of this model such as firm strategy, demand and factor conditions, as well as supporting and related industries will be considered in determining their contribution to Apple’s international success. However, this company has also ventured into other technology related businesses among them the production of personal computers and computer software. In addition to these investments, it is also involved in the business of providing online services; hence, it has a healthy range of products for its target market. However, Apple is not on itself in the production of computer electronics. It faces a lot of competition from other equally well-established international companies such as Samsung from South Korea and China’s Hawaii. Their main points of competition besides the usual superiority of their respective products also border around other aspects such as product pricing and market appeal. In coming up with the Diamond strategy, Michael Porter recognized the fact that the strategies invoked by a firm play a crucial role in determining its market performance (Reinhert 2013, p.15). Hence, for multinational companies such as Apple, strategy is of the essence as it helps direct their approach towards the market. A primary strategy that is the hallmark of this corporation is differentiation. In the world of technology whereby consumer tastes and preferences tend to revolve around similar product attributes, differentiation is of the essence. The unique designs of Apple products and their high quality have greatly served to set them apart from the products of other competitors such as Nokia. Another vital strategy is value creation. This company has outsourced manufacturing functions to third parties as a way of focusing on product design and creation of user interfaces.

Monday, July 22, 2019

How to Make a Transistor Radio Essay Example for Free

How to Make a Transistor Radio Essay First a few safety precautions: * Never touch the element or tip of the soldering iron. They are very hot (about 400Â °C) and will give you a nasty burn. * Take great care to avoid touching the mains flex with the tip of the iron. The iron should have a heatproof flex for extra protection. An ordinary plastic flex will melt immediately if touched by a hot iron and there is a serious risk of burns and electric shock. * Always return the soldering iron to its stand when not in use. Never put it down on your workbench, even for a moment! * Work in a well-ventilated area. The smoke formed as you melt solder is mostly from the flux and quite irritating. Avoid breathing it by keeping you head to the side of, not above, your work. * Wash your hands after using solder. Solder contains lead which is a poisonous metal. If you are unlucky (or careless!) enough to burn yourself please read the First Aid section. Preparing the soldering iron: * Place the soldering iron in its stand and plug in. The iron will take a few minutes to reach its operating temperature of about 400Â °C. * Dampen the sponge in the stand. The best way to do this is to lift it out the stand and hold it under a cold tap for a moment, then squeeze to remove excess water. It should be damp, not dripping wet. * Wait a few minutes for the soldering iron to warm up. You can check if it is ready by trying to melt a little solder on the tip. * Wipe the tip of the iron on the damp sponge. This will clean the tip. * Melt a little solder on the tip of the iron. This is called tinning and it will help the heat to flow from the irons tip to the joint. It only needs to be done when you plug in the iron, and occasionally while soldering if you need to wipe the tip clean on the sponge. You are now ready to start soldering: * Hold the soldering iron like a pen, near the base of the handle. Imagine you are going to write your name! Remember to never touch the hot element or tip. * Touch the soldering iron onto the joint to be made. Make sure it touches both the component lead and the track. Hold the tip there for a few seconds and * Feed a little solder onto the joint. It should flow smoothly onto the lead and track to form a volcano shape as shown in the diagram. Apply the solder to the joint, not the iron. * Remove the solder, then the iron, while keeping the joint still. Allow the joint a few seconds to cool before you move the circuit board. * Inspect the joint closely. It should look shiny and have a volcano shape. If not, you will need to reheat it and feed in a little more solder. This time ensure that boththe lead and track are heated fully before applying solder. If you are unlucky (or careless!) enough to burn yourself please read the First Aid section. Some components, such as transistors, can be damaged by heat when soldering so if you are not an expert it is wise to use a heat sink clipped to the lead between the joint and the component body. You can buy a special tool, but a standard crocodile clip works just as well and is cheaper. Soldering Advice for Components It is very tempting to start soldering components onto the circuit board straight away, but please take time to identify all the parts first. You are much less likely to make a mistake if you do this! 1. Stick all the components onto a sheet of paper using sticky tape. 2. Identify each component and write its name or value beside it. 3. Add the code (R1, R2, C1 etc.) if necessary. Many projects from books and magazines label the components with codes (R1, R2, C1, D1 etc.) and you should use the projects parts list to find these codes if they are given. 4. Resistor values can be found using the resistor colour code which is explained on our Resistors page. You can print out and make your own Resistor Colour Code Calculator to help you. 5. Capacitor values can be difficult to find because there are many types with different labelling systems! The various systems are explained on our Capacitors page. Some components require special care when soldering. Many must be placed the correct way round and a few are easily damaged by the heat from soldering. Appropriate warnings are given in the table below, together with other advice which may be useful when soldering. What is solder? Solder is an alloy (mixture) of tin and lead, typically 60% tin and 40% lead. It melts at a temperature of about 200Â °C. Coating a surface with solder is called tinning because of the tin content of solder. Lead is poisonous and you should always wash your hands after using solder. Solder for electronics use contains tiny cores of flux, like the wires inside a mains flex. The flux is corrosive, like an acid, and it cleans the metal surfaces as the solder melts. This is why you must melt the solder actually on the joint, not on the iron tip. Without flux most joints would fail because metals quickly oxidise and the solder itself will not flow properly onto a dirty, oxidised, metal surface. The best size of solder for electronics is 22swg (swg = standard wire gauge). Soldering is defined as the joining of metals by a fusion of alloys which have relatively low melting points. In other words, you use a metal that has a low melting point to adhere the surfaces to be soldered together. Consider that soldering is more like gluing with molten metal, unlike welding where the base metals are actually melted and combined. Soldering is also a must have skill for all sorts of electrical and electronics work. It is also a skill that must be taught correctly and developed with practice. This tutorial will cover the most common types of soldering required for electronics work. This includes soldering components to printed circuit boards and soldering a spliced wire joint. Soldering Equipment The Soldering Iron/Gun The first thing you will need is a soldering iron, which is the heat source used to melt solder. Irons of the 15W to 30W range are good for most electronics/printed circuit board work. Anything higher in wattage and you risk damaging either the component or the board. If you intend to solder heavy components and thick wire, then you will want to invest in an iron of higher wattage (40W and above) or one of the large soldering guns. The main difference between an iron and a gun is that an iron is pencil shaped and designed with a pinpoint heat source for precise work, while a gun is in a familiar gun shape with a large high wattage tip heated by flowing electrical current directly through it. For hobbyist electronics use, a soldering iron is generally the tool of choice as its small tip and low heat capacity is suited for printed circuit board work (such as assembling kits). A soldering gun is generally used in heavy duty soldering such as joining heavy gauge wires, soldering brackets to a chassis or stained glass work. You should choose a soldering iron with a 3-pronged grounding plug. The ground will help prevent stray voltage from collecting at the soldering tip and potentially damaging sensitive (such as CMOS) components. By their nature, soldering guns are quite dirty in this respect as the heat is generated by shorting a current (often AC) through the tip made of formed wire. Guns will have much less use in hobbyist electronics so if you have only one tool choice, an iron is what you want. For a beginner, a 15W to 30W range is the best but be aware that at the 15W end of that range, you may not have enough power to join wires or larger components. As your skill increases, a 40W iron is an excellent choice as it has the capacity for slightly larger jobs and makes joints very quickly. Be aware that it is often best to use a more powerful iron so that you dont need to spend a lot of time heating the joint, which can damage components. A variation of the basic gun or iron is the soldering station, where the soldering instrument is attached to a variable power supply. A soldering station can precisely control the temperature of the soldering tip unlike a standard gun or iron where the tip temperature will increase when idle and decrease when applying heat to a joint. However, the price of a soldering station is often ten to one hundred times the cost of a basic iron and thus really isnt an option for the hobby market. But if you plan to do very precise work, such as surface mount, or spend 8 hours a day behind a soldering iron, then you should consider a soldering station. The rest of this document will assume that you are using a soldering iron as that is what the majority of electronics work requires. The techniques for using a soldering gun are basically the same with the only difference being that heat is only generated when the trigger is pressed. Solder The choice of solder is also important. There several kinds of solder available but only a few are suitable for electronics work. Most importantly, you will only use rosin core solder. Acid core solder is common in hardware stores and home improvement stores, but meant for soldering copper plumbing pipes and not electronic circuits. If acid core solder is used on electronics, the acid will destroy the traces on the printed circuit board and erode the component leads. It can also form a conductive layer leading to shorts. For most printed circuit board work, a solder with a diameter of 0.75MM to 1.0MM is desirable. Thicker solder may be used and will allow you to solder larger joints more quickly, but will make soldering small joints difficult and increase the likelihood of creating solder bridges between closely spaced PCB pads. An alloy of 60/40 (60% tin, 40% lead) is used for most electronics work. These days, several lead-free solders are available as well. Kester 44 Rosin Core solder has been a staple of electronics for many years and continues to be available. It is available in several diameters and has a non-corrosive flux. Large joints, such as soldering a bracket to a chassis using a high wattage soldering gun, will require a separate application of brush on flux and a thick diameter solder of several millimeters. Remember that when soldering, the flux in the solder will release fumes as it is heated. These fumes are harmful to your eyes and lungs. Therefore, always work in a well ventilated area and avoid breathing the smoke created. Hot solder is also dangerous. It is surprisingly easy to splash hot solder onto yourself, which is a thoroughly unpleasant experience. Eye protection is also advised. Preparing To Solder Tinning The Soldering Tip Before use, a new soldering tip, or one that is very dirty, must be tinned. Tinning is the process of coating a soldering tip with a thin coat of solder. This aids in heat transfer between the tip and the component you are soldering, and also gives the solder a base from which to flow from. Step 1: Warm Up The Iron Warm up the soldering iron or gun thoroughly. Make sure that it has fully come to temperature because you are about to melt a lot of solder on it. This is especially important if the iron is new because it may have been packed with some kind of coating to prevent corrosion. Step 2: Prepare A Little Space While the soldering iron is warming up, prepare a little space to work. Moisten a little sponge and place it in the base of your soldering iron stand or in a dish close by. Lay down a piece of cardboard in case you drip solder (you probably will) and make sure you have room to work comfortably. Step 3: Thoroughly Coat The Tip In Solder Thoroughly coat the soldering tip in solder. It is very important to cover the entire tip. You will use a considerable amount of solder during this process and it will drip, so be ready. If you leave any part of the tip uncovered it will tend to collect flux residue and will not conduct heat very well, so run the solder up and down the tip and completely around it to totally cover it in molten solder. Step 4: Clean The Soldering Tip After you are certain that the tip is totally coated in solder, wipe the tip off on the wet sponge to remove all the flux residue. Do this immediately so there is no time for the flux to dry out and solidify.

Hamlet is a thinker not a man of action Essay Example for Free

Hamlet is a thinker not a man of action Essay Hamlets one mission in the play is to revenge the death of his father by killing Claudius, however his procrastination leads to his untimely death, the deaths of many others in the Danish court and the relinquishment of Denmark to Fortinbras. Hamlets first words show a desire of revenge towards Claudius A little more than kin and less than kind. But later in his soliloquy we see that he is actually closer to killing himself, than killing Claudius or the perpetrator: O that this too too sullied flesh would melt, / Thaw and resolve itself into a dew, He doesnt even contemplate killing Claudius; he hopes that the situation will resolve itself, which it never will, showing his unwillingness to act. This soliloquy also shows that he is not the bravest of people, as he cannot tell his mother how he really feels, another restrictive character trait when trying to revenge someone: But break, my heart for I must hold my tongue. In his soliloquy straight after Hamlets conversation with the Ghost he seems determine to kill his uncle, thy commandment alone shall live / Within the book and volume of my brain. The use of the word commandment shows that he will follow the Ghosts word religiously. This shows that he is resolute, as a man of action would be. However, this is countered almost immediately at the end of the scene O cursed spite, / That ever I was born to set it right. This shows that Hamlet is scared to carry out what he has to do, he would much rather someone else revenge his father than he. The first device that Hamlet uses to carry out his revenge is to pretend to be mad. By this pretence he hopes to draw the attention away of the court away from him so that he can watch and follow Claudius to see if he is showing any signs of guilt. He tells Guildenstern of his madness. I am mad but north-north-west. When the wind is / southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw. His stated intention is to gain irrefutable evidence of Claudiuss villainy. He initiates this by visiting Ophelia in a state of undress and handing her a love letter, making Polonius believe that his madness is due to Ophelias rejection of him. Hamlet uses his feigned madness to show his true emotions and insult people he doesnt like: You are a fishmonger. A fishmonger in Elizabethan times could have meant pimp, showing that Hamlet thinks that Polonius is using his daughter to gain favour within the court. Hamlets feigned madness does affect Claudius: in the first act he delivers long speeches, but by Act 2 he is reduced to short sentences like We will try it. This is an action, but it is one that allows him to procrastinate. When Hamlet is left alone he laments his weakness and inactivity. An actor could weep at the imagined grief of Hecuba, whereas Hamlet fails to respond to the murder of his father: Tears in his eyes, distraction in his aspect, / A broken voice, and his whole function suiting / forms to his conceit? And all for nothing! / For Hecuba! Hamlets principles cause him a great deal of self-criticism: Why what an ass am I! This is most brave, / That I the son of a dear father murderd, / Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell, / Must like a whore unpack my heart with words/ And fall a-cursing like a very drab, He curses his inactivity, showing that, although he is a thinker, he would prefer to be a man of action. At the end of the soliloquy he seems resolved to revenge Claudius, the Mouse-Trap play is a form of revenge against Claudius, but again it is not direct revenge, as he is still procrastinating. The fact that he has not confronted Claudius four months after confirmation from the ghost that Claudius is the guilty party shows that he is definitely a thinker. Hamlets soliloquy at the start of Act 3 still shows his overwhelming desire to think, particularly about suicide To be or not to be. The fact that he is still has time for soliloquies, and that he is not trying to hunt Claudius down and kill him, shows that he is definitely a thinker. Hamlet shows a lack of self knowledge as he cannot, as he intended in Act 1 sc 5 with wings as swift / As meditation or the thoughts of love / May sweep to my revenge. Instead he broods on his fathers death and even when he gets proof from Claudiuss reaction to the Mouse Trap play, Ill take the ghosts word for a thousand pound. He hesitates and needs further spurring by the ghost in Act 3 to whet thy almost blunted purpose. Hamlet has the perfect opportunity to kill Claudius in Act 3 sc 3, but again he procrastinates, letting himself think about what will happen to Claudius soul A villain kills my father, and for that I, his sole son, do this same villain send to heaven. He doesnt act, because he thinks that Claudius is praying, cleansing his soul. This would send him to heaven, not hell where he belongs. The irony is that Claudius himself has too much on his conscience and cannot pray, My words fly up, my thoughts remain below. / Words without thoughts never to heaven go. Hamlet curses himself in a later soliloquy for his lack of action. Hamlets first action of physical revenge is to stab Polonius behind the arras. This action shows that he can only do something on the spur of the moment. If hed had time to think about it, he would have found a way around stabbing the person behind the arras, electing instead to procrastinate. Hamlet meets Fortinbras army in Act 4 sc 4, which makes him feel depressed when he compares himself to Fortinbras: the Norwegian Prince is prepared to fight over something of very little value, while he hasnt yet taken revenge for the murder of his father and the seduction of his mother: How all occasions do inform against me, / And spur my dull revenge. Hamlet does what he always does when confronted with a problem; he has a soliloquy. However, this is his last soliloquy, which could suggest that he is done with thinking now, and will finally carry out his revenge. Hamlet shows another decisive action, in dealing with the betrayal of his one-time friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and with Claudius attempt to have him killed on his way to England. He replaces his own name with that of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in the letter, ensuring that they will be killed in his place. He also Boards a pirate ship so that he can return to Denmark, these are all very decisive actions focused to towards revenging his fathers death. Hamlets entrance into Ophelias funeral certainly is more action-focussed than his previous actions: This is I, / Hamlet the Dane. His fight with Laertes, declaration of his love of Ophelia and his switch from prose to verse show that he is longer talking his self into lying and misleading others. Therefore he is not thinking as much as he is acting. Hamlets next action is to duel with Laertes, not knowing that it has been fixed so that Hamlet will die, but as with most strategies in the play, it does go according to plan: Both Laertes and Hamlet are wounded by the poisoned sword, Gertrude drinks the poisoned wine, and one of Hamlets dying acts is to force Claudius to drink the poisoned wine, which he does with relish, enjoying the power he has, and the fact that he is killing the person who killed his father, seduced his mother, taken his thrown and plotted to kill him twice Here thou incestuous, murdrous, damned Dane, / Drink off this potion. Is thy union here? / Follow my mother. His action here was done purely, without any thought. As he dies Hamlet names Fortinbras as his successor to the throne of Denmark. He admires Fortinbras as a man of action, seeing that that is what his country needs to return stability to it, I do prophesy thelection lights / On Fortinbras. He has my dying voice. The time frame of the play helps to reinforce the impression of time passing. Individuals in the play travel from Denmark to Norway, Poland and England, from the court to the countryside. Contrasting the activity of Laertes and Fortinbras with the prolonged inactivity of Hamlet. As the hero in this tragedy Hamlet doesnt have one, sole, character flaw that leads to his untimely death. He is a thinker involved in a dilemma that can only be solved successfully by a man of action. His inability to act swiftly and decisively without high motivation in connection with his fathers murder brings havoc to the Danish court, his own death and the death of many others in the court. If he had been a man of action Claudius would have been killed months before.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Market Segmentation and Consumer Buying Behaviour

Market Segmentation and Consumer Buying Behaviour Market segmentation is the division of the market into segments which a specific group of people help to require all that the consumers need. The Geographic,Psycho-graphic and life-style,Behavioural and Demographic which is the most important basic of segmentation are the four types and basics characteristics that market segmentation is based on. Also the consumer behaviour is the positive or negative reaction for the products of the marketing. Introduction Market segmentation is the divide of the market into sections, like an orange, in which all segments are linked but every segment has its own shape. The companies can be international by making foreign purchases, like British consumers buy Italian dresses and shoes. Market segments also, are an important part of marketing because a market consists of customers with similar needs and for each market segment there is a different marketing plan. MARKET SEGMENTATION A product is targeting a specific group of customers or a marketing mix of market segments. It is the companys responsibility to ensure that the product satisfy the needs of the customers in that target group. Every market segment can transfer a target market for an obstinate, and could require a special marketing mix if the firm is to use it successfully. As the companies know, segmentation allows for fast response of changing market requirements, improved analysis of competition and to efficient strategic planning. The purpose of segmentation is to find the ideal set of needs and behaviour of the targeted customer. The basis for segmenting markets depends for the five several ways in which a market can be segmented: Geographic This is the segmentation where the market is divided into groups based on where they live or where the customers are located. Do they live in the countryside or in a big city? Demographic Demographic segmentation is the most basic and the most popular type of segmentation. The groups of customers are chosen based on the following criteria: Age: the broad groups who may because of their age show distinct purchase behaviours. Is she/he a child? A teen? An infant?Is this product appropriate for our costumers age? Gender: Different sex of human. Is our customer a female or male and the product is made for men or for women or both? Life-cycle stage: Young, old, single, married, occupation, number of children. Social class: social class is an important one because these groupings seem to give reliable indicators of separate consumer mental state and needs .What is the social status of our consumer? Are they poor or rich? Life-style: Differences by character of a person, behaviour, habits, opinions and interests. For example women dresses is a product that is marketed based on demographic segmentation. The cause for this product is that it is made for women and the marketing mix is made up of groups of women of different ages. Another and particular example is the advertisement for the perfume The One by Dolce and Gabana. This perfume is very classy and fantastic and 4 when the women wear this perfume feel like a star and a true diva! You can find it in fashion magazines and this is due to the fact that it has a good price and is not very expensive and hence every woman can buy it. Psycho-graphic The way in which the customers react Behavioural Economic and social characteristics of the customers. Do they find the product good or bad? How do people behave? CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR Consumer behaviour is the positive or negative response for the products of the marketing when they like or dislike the product and if they pleased or displeased with that product. Consumer all the time has many motivations and this is the serious reason that is a payer and a buyer . The consumer needs to be completely happy and satisfied with the old and new requirements. At the same time all shoppers to complete their needs,without to realize they take a risk for dissadisfaction when buying a product,so must be carefully and to be sure that the product is safe. The consumers must to be alive because is the most important key for each company to live and success. Without consumers the companies can not handle their business and lose their jobs. The suppliers have to find a nice way to keep the consumers satisfied and want to buy again and again for the same supplier the products and to say to friends, a related good impressions to buy from the supplier. Allegiance customers are the people that they will help and give suggestions to the suppliers when they will have many problems and not really good and easy times at the company. Also can help the company to be more higher and improved the goodwill for the supplier organisations version. Certainly the essential part of the solution between loyalty and current consumers is more serious and important from the banks. Some of the private effects on consumers behaviour is the personality. Personality : each human has her/his own and separate way to think and have her/his personality. Is an inclusive idea which contains characteristics and calculate how the person appreciate to his/her to conditions and would be capable to know to sign in own behaviour. References Internet websites: BOOKS: The Chartered Institute of Bankers, (1996) Strategic Marketing Management, London. Wilkison, R. , Curtis, B. , Curtis, S. , Jones, C. , Morgan, B. , Norman, J. and Sykes,G. (1994) Business Studies an introduction to management and business studies , Meinemann Publisher Ltd. , Oxford. 9 Bibliography

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Oppression :: essays research papers

Definition Paper   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Oppression, to divide and conquer is your goal. Oppression, I swear hatred is your home. Oppression, you mean only harm.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -Ben Harper   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Oppression is this and so much more than what Ben Harper wrote in his song. Oppression is an unjust or cruel exercise or action of power. Everyone experiences oppression at least once in his or her lives. We have only recently begun to fight the effects of oppression, to gain freedom in our world. Oppression divides us to keep us from maintaining our freedom, what little of it we have. Oppression is completely based on hatred and preys on you when you sleep, or when you are at your lowest point. It kicks you when you are down, and pushes you further down the rabbit’s hole. It forces you to fight when you are the weakest and will take your very last breath. It takes one problem and snowballs until you can not take it anymore. We can learn to fight oppression, if we only make ourselves aware.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Oppression is not a friend, though it may be disguised as one. It takes what you believe in and makes it nonexistent. Oppression is what makes life hard. It tests you to see if you will make the stand for freedom, or be oppressed. African-Americans were oppressed for hundreds of years, and when it couldn’t get any worse, they found and fought with their leaders for what they believed in, freedom. Both the Egyptians and Hitler oppressed Jews for 5000 years, when he decided to wipe out their entire race. Women were oppressed for many years until they decided to fight for equality. Oppression :: essays research papers Definition Paper   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Oppression, to divide and conquer is your goal. Oppression, I swear hatred is your home. Oppression, you mean only harm.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -Ben Harper   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Oppression is this and so much more than what Ben Harper wrote in his song. Oppression is an unjust or cruel exercise or action of power. Everyone experiences oppression at least once in his or her lives. We have only recently begun to fight the effects of oppression, to gain freedom in our world. Oppression divides us to keep us from maintaining our freedom, what little of it we have. Oppression is completely based on hatred and preys on you when you sleep, or when you are at your lowest point. It kicks you when you are down, and pushes you further down the rabbit’s hole. It forces you to fight when you are the weakest and will take your very last breath. It takes one problem and snowballs until you can not take it anymore. We can learn to fight oppression, if we only make ourselves aware.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Oppression is not a friend, though it may be disguised as one. It takes what you believe in and makes it nonexistent. Oppression is what makes life hard. It tests you to see if you will make the stand for freedom, or be oppressed. African-Americans were oppressed for hundreds of years, and when it couldn’t get any worse, they found and fought with their leaders for what they believed in, freedom. Both the Egyptians and Hitler oppressed Jews for 5000 years, when he decided to wipe out their entire race. Women were oppressed for many years until they decided to fight for equality.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Why Do Teenagers Smoke :: essays research papers

WHY DO TEENAGERS SMOKE? There is an urgent need to make non-smoking appear cool and desirable. The number of people lighting up is on the rise.In 1986, when the first National Health and Mobility Survey was carried out by the Ministry of Health to find out the number of smokers, the figure stood at 21.5 per cent. However, in the last study published in 1996, the number of smokers rose to 24.8 per cent.Of these figures, those aged between 15 and 24 in 1986 made up 11.5 per cent. In 1996, the age barrier shifted to between 18 and 24. Yet the percentage increased to 33.6 per cent, proving that young smokers are lighting up more, influenced by their elders and trying to fit into the the image of cool as depicted by their movie and music idols. One doesn’t start smoking because of it seductive power. Most beginners do not enjoy their first try but rather suffer a bitter taste, bad smell, a cough and a money lose. One doesn’t feel a high soaring feeling. One actually has to over come this uncomfortable feeling to continue smoking. The reasons to start are mainly social and psychological and are not connected to the enjoyment itself. So the way to deal with it must be educationally and emotionally. Rehabilitation is hard and complex as it creates a physical and emotional dependency. It is much easier to work on avoidance. So we will examine why do youths start smoking. The first feelings are uncomfortable- a bitter taste in the mouth, bad smell and a caugh. What motivates the youth to overcome these feelings, and to continue smoking until their addicted? Some claim that kids slip into smoking out of immaturity or impulsiveness. But even adolescents have some logic which is social and psychological. The addiction is both physical and mental. The body adjusts to the Nicotine and craves it when it’s missed. But the main addiction is mental. The proof is found among Shabbat observers who can abstain from smoking the whole Shabbat. So it mainly depends on the habits a person has. Rehabilitation must include energies such as the Jewish law to restrain habits that have become a person’s second nature. More and more smokers claim they want to quit. In an American poll 70% adolescent smoker claimed they wouldn’t have started if they could choose to again and two thirds want to quit. Most cannot quit. The health ministry’s pole from the beginning of the year showed that 58% of the smokers who tried to quit failed.

Human Trafficking Essay -- Crime

Human Trafficking is the unlawful trade of human beings for various purposes such as reproductive slavery or sex slavery. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime [UNODC] protocol on trafficking, â€Å"Trafficking in Persons is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation† (UNODC). Human Trafficking is a growing phenomenon. It is one of the fastest growing types of transnational crime worldwide. According to the US State department’s 2009 â€Å"Trafficking in Persons Report,† at least 12.3 million adults and children fall victim to human traffickers every year (qtd in Haerens 17). Human Trafficking occurs on every continent and has been booming. One reason for the increase in human trafficking is because of globalization. When competing in the global marketplace companies and corporations need cheap labor, and they don’t care where it comes from. This in turn, causes the employment recruiters (the traffickers) to go after their prey (the trafficked). Human Trafficking can be thought of as a national security implication. One case of involuntary or forced servitude, standing alone, does not constitute a breach in national security. When viewed as a whole, in relation to human trafficking, this is considered as a major breach in National Security and should be treated as a serious crime. According to Rizer and Glaser â€Å"the crime of trafficking in persons has recently been added... ...demic Search Complete. Web. 21 Mar. 2012. Haerens, Margaret. Human Trafficking. New York: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Print. â€Å"Human Trafficking.† United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. UNODC, 2012. Web. 4 April. 2012. Kloer, Amanda. "Sex Trafficking and HIV/AIDS." Human Rights 37.2 (2010): 8-25. Academic Search Complete. Web. 24 Mar. 2012. Ojeda, Auriana. Slavery Today. New York: Greenhaven Press, 2004. Print. Pati, Roza. "States' Positive Obligations with Respect to Human Trafficking: The European Court of Human Rights Breaks New Ground in Rantsev V. Cyprus and Russia." Boston University International Law Journal 29.1 (2011): 79-142. Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Mar. 2012. Rizer, Arthur and Sheri R. Glaser. "Breach: The National Security Implications of Human Trafficking." Widener Law Review 17.1 (2011): 69-94. Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 Mar. 2012.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Deception Point Page 52

Only fifteen feet away, Gabrielle Ashe stood in the shadows, rigid. From the den came the harmonious clink of crystal snifters and the crackle of the fire. 58 In a panic, the young NASA technician dashed through the habisphere. Something terrible has happened! He found Administrator Ekstrom alone near the press area. â€Å"Sir,† the technician gasped, running up. â€Å"There's been an accident!† Ekstrom turned, looking distant, as if his thoughts were already deeply troubled with other matters. â€Å"What did you say? An accident? Where?† â€Å"In the extraction pit. A body just floated up. Dr. Wailee Ming.† Ekstrom's face was blank. â€Å"Dr. Ming? But†¦ â€Å" â€Å"We pulled him out, but it was too late. He's dead.† â€Å"For Christ's sake. How long has he been in there?† â€Å"We think about an hour. It looks like he fell in, sank to the bottom, but when his body bloated, he floated up again.† Ekstrom's reddish skin turned crimson. â€Å"Goddamn it! Who else knows about this?† â€Å"Nobody, sir. Only two of us. We fished him out, but we thought we better tell you before-â€Å" â€Å"You did the right thing.† Ekstrom exhaled a weighty sigh. â€Å"Stow Dr. Ming's body immediately. Say nothing.† The technician felt perplexed. â€Å"But, sir, I-â€Å" Ekstrom put a large hand on the man's shoulder. â€Å"Listen to me carefully. This is a tragic accident, one I deeply regret. Of course I will deal with it appropriately when the time comes. Now, however, is not the time.† â€Å"You want me to hide his body?† Ekstrom's cold Nordic eyes bore down. â€Å"Think about it. We could tell everyone, but what would that accomplish? We're about an hour off from this press conference. Announcing that we've had a fatal accident would overshadow the discovery and have a devastating effect on morale. Dr. Ming made a careless mistake; I have no intention of making NASA pay for it. These civilian scientists have taken enough of the spotlight without my letting one of their slipshod errors cast a shadow over our public moment of glory. Dr. Ming's accident remains a secret until after the press conference. Do you understand?† The man nodded, pale. â€Å"I'll stow his body.† 59 Michael Tolland had been at sea enough times to know the ocean took victims without remorse or hesitation. As he lay in exhaustion on the expansive sheet of ice, he could just make out the ghostly outline of the towering Milne Ice Shelf receding in the distance. He knew the powerful Arctic current flowing off the Elizabethan Islands spiraled in an enormous loop around the polar ice cap and would eventually skirt land in northern Russia. Not that it mattered. That would be months from now. We've got maybe thirty minutes†¦ forty-five at the most. Without the protective insulation of their gel-filled suits, Tolland knew they would be dead already. Thankfully, the Mark IXs had kept them dry-the most critical aspect of surviving cold weather. The thermal gel around their bodies had not only cushioned their fall, but it was now helping their bodies retain what little heat they had left. Soon hypothermia would set in. It would start with a vague numbness in limbs as the blood retreated to the body's core to protect the critical internal organs. Delirious hallucinations would come next, as the pulse and respiration slowed, cheating the brain of oxygen. Then, the body would make a final effort to conserve its remaining heat by shutting down all operations except the heart and respiration. Unconsciousness would follow. In the end, heart and respiration centers in the brain would stop functioning altogether. Tolland turned his gaze toward Rachel, wishing he could do something to save her. The numbness spreading through Rachel Sexton's body was less painful than she would have imagined. Almost a welcome anesthetic. Nature's morphine. She had lost her goggles in the collapse, and she could barely open her eyes against the cold. She could see Tolland and Corky on the ice nearby. Tolland was looking at her, eyes filled with regret. Corky was moving but obviously in pain. His right cheekbone was smashed and bloody. Rachel's body trembled wildly as her mind searched for answers. Who? Why? Her thoughts were muddled by a growing heaviness inside her. Nothing was making sense. She felt like her body was slowly shutting down, lulled by an invisible force pulling her to sleep. She fought it. A fiery anger ignited within her now, and she tried to fan the flames. They tried to kill us! She peered out at the threatening sea and sensed their attackers had succeeded. We're already dead. Even now, knowing she would probably not live to learn the whole truth about the deadly game being played out on the Milne Ice Shelf, Rachel suspected she already knew who to blame. Administrator Ekstrom had the most to gain. He was the one who sent them out on the ice. He had ties to the Pentagon and Special Ops. But what did Ekstrom have to gain by inserting the meteorite beneath the ice? What did anyone have to gain? Rachel flashed on Zach Herney, wondering if the President was a coconspirator or an unknowing pawn? Herney knows nothing. He's innocent. The President obviously had been duped by NASA. Now Herney was only about an hour away from making NASA's announcement. And he would do so armed with a video documentary containing endorsements from four civilian scientists. Four dead civilian scientists. Rachel could do nothing to stop the press conference now, but she vowed that whoever was responsible for this attack would not get away with it. Summoning her strength, Rachel tried to sit up. Her limbs felt like granite, all her joints screaming in pain as she bent her legs and arms. Slowly, she pulled herself to her knees, steadying herself on the flat ice. Her head spun. All around her the ocean churned. Tolland lay nearby, gazing up at her with inquisitive eyes. Rachel sensed he probably thought she was kneeling in prayer. She was not, of course, although prayer probably had as good a chance of saving them as what she was about to attempt. Rachel's right hand fumbled across her waist and found the ice ax still bungeed to her belt. Her stiff fingers gripped the handle. She inverted the ax, positioning it like an upside down T. Then, with all her energy, she drove the butt downward into the ice. Thud. Again. Thud. The blood felt like cold molasses in her veins. Thud. Tolland looked on in obvious confusion. Rachel drove the ax down again. Thud. Tolland tried to lift himself onto his elbow. â€Å"Ra†¦ chel?† She did not answer. She needed all her energy. Thud. Thud. â€Å"I don't think†¦,† Tolland said, â€Å"this far north†¦ that the SAA†¦ could hear†¦ â€Å" Rachel turned, surprised. She had forgotten Tolland was an oceanographer and might have some idea what she was up to. Right idea†¦ but I'm not calling the SAA. She kept pounding. The SAA stood for a Suboceanic Acoustic Array, a relic of the Cold War now used by oceanographers worldwide to listen for whales. Because underwater sounds carried for hundreds of miles, the SAA network of fifty-nine underwater microphones around the world could listen to a surprisingly large percentage of the planet's oceans. Unfortunately, this remote section of the Arctic was not part of that percentage, but Rachel knew there were others out there listening to the ocean floor-others that few on earth knew existed. She kept pounding. Her message was simple and clear. THUD. THUD. THUD. THUD†¦ THUD†¦ THUD†¦ THUD. THUD. THUD. Rachel had no delusions that her actions would save their lives; she could already feel a frosty tightness gripping her body. She doubted she had a half hour of life left in her. Rescue was beyond the realm of possibility now. But this was not about rescue.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cybercrime Definition Essay

What is this Cyber crime? We find out about it in newspapers very often. lets look at the lexicon definition of Cybercrime It is a criminal activity committed on the internet. This is a kind term that describes everything from electronic cracking to defending team of service attacks that cause electronic mercantilism sites to lose m iodine(a)y. Mr. Pavan Duggal, who is the chairman of and consultant, in a report has clearly defined the various categories and types of cybercrimes. Cybercrimes can be basically divided into 3 study categories1. Cybercrimes against persons.2. Cybercrimes against property.3. Cybercrimes against government.Cybercrimes against persons Cybercrimes committed against persons include various crimes manage transmission of child-pornography, anguish of any one with the use of a computer much(prenominal) as e-mail. The trafficking, distribution, posting, and dissemination of obscene tangible including pornography and indecent exposu re, constitutes one of the nearly important Cybercrimes known today. The potential vilify of such a crime to kindness can hardly be amplified. This is one Cybercrime which threatens to undermine the growth of the younger propagation as also leave irreparable scars and injury on the younger generation, if non controlled.A minor girl in Ahmedabad was lured to a private place with cyberchat by a man, who, along with his friends, seek to gangrape her. As some passersby heard her cry, she was rescued. other example wherein the damage was not do to a person but to the throng is the case of the Melissa computer computer virus. The Melissa virus first appe atomic number 18d on the internet in March of 1999. It spread rapidly throughout computer systems in the United States and Europe. It is estimated that the virus caused 80 million dollars in indemnification to computers worldwide.In the United States alone, the virus make its way through 1.2 million computers in one-fifth of the countrys largest businesses. David metalworker pleaded guilty on Dec. 9, 1999 to state and national charges associated with his creation of the Melissa virus. There are numerous examples of such computer viruses hardly a(prenominal) of them being Melissa and love card. Cyberharassment is a distinct Cybercrime. Various kinds of harassment can and do occur in cyberspace, or through the use of cyberspace. curse can be sexual, racial, religious, or other.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

Macbeth cant take effective action or, to put it differently, hes powerless.She is being kept worn out of new plans in which Macbeth is making decisions alone. Firstly, Lady Macbeth appears in Act 1 Scene 5. She is in her and Macbeth’s castle. She receives a letter from Macbeth logical and reads it.Macbeth isnt the only character who wants encouragement.â€Å"Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be what thou promised† (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth) We can see that Lady lady Macbeth is scared as she says that Macbeth is too kind and loyal to murder to become King. â€Å"Is too full o’ the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way.† (Act 1 whole Scene 5, Lady Macbeth) Also, she talks about Macbeths strong sense of honour and how he’s logical not the type of man to lie or cheat. â€Å"Thou wouldst thou holily ; wouldst not play false.

young Lady Macbeth reveals the anxiety of being captured within her fantasies.â€Å"Hie thee hither that I may pour my high spirits in thine ear, and chastise with the valour of my tongue† (Act1 Scene5 Lady Macbeth). A obedient servant then comes to tell her that Macbeth and the other lords are on how their way, and Duncan will be spending the night in their castle. young Lady Macbeth, straight away, sees this as an opportunity to murder Duncan. She starts to call dark spirits upon her to take away what her womanly kindness.For Macbeth, it becomes excessively simpler.â€Å"O, never shall sun that morrow see.† (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady lady Macbeth – Macbeth). She then tells Macbeth her plan to kill Duncan. part She tells Macbeth she will do all the planning.

Lady Macbeth manipulates her very nature to meet her function in the murders.All the lords, Macbeth, Duncan, his two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, Banquo, Lennox, Macduff, Ross and Angus are all at Macbeth’s castle. Lady Macbeth arrives and greets Duncan. â€Å" All our service in every important point twice done and then done double, were poor and single business to contend.† (Act1 Scene6, young Lady Macbeth – Duncan).Lady Macbeth is extremely direct and intelligent.In this scene , lady Macbeth is seen as the perfect hostess. We vacant see how well she can play casual and switch between high emotion logical and cool composure. In Act 1 Scene 7, we see her talking with Macbeth, in the castle. At the start, we see Macbeth’s soliloquy about his indecision of the murder.

At the fresh start of the play, Lady Macbeth appeared to be a put girl.† (Act 1 Scene 7, Macbeth – young Lady Macbeth).Lady Macbeth seems to be very unimpressed with what Macbeth has said. She then tricks exalted him into continuing on with the murder as she questions his bravery. â€Å" With thou esteems’t the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem.Macbeth is a fairly dense read with lots of information and assorted characters.Lady Macbeth busy waits in a chamber near Duncan’s bedroom. Macbeth goes off to murder Duncan. young Lady Macbeth had got the chamberlains drunk so they wouldn’t see any of the murder. Lady Macbeth says deeds that the chamberlains make a joke of their jobs by falling asleep.

Dunnetts Macbeth is much more practical.â€Å"My heavenly father as he slept, I have done’t- My husband!† (Act 2 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth) lady Macbeth had brought the daggers back with him, the one he killed Duncan, Lady Macbeth new sees them and panics. â€Å" Why did you bring these daggers from the place?† (Act 2 Scene 2 , Lady Macbeth – Macbeth). Lady Macbeth has to bring them back to bring how them back to the chamber. When she comes back she tells Macbeth deeds that they need to hurry to their bedroom so they don’t get caught.It delivers no simple answers.â€Å" What’s the business, that such a hideous trumper.† (Act 1 Scene 3, Lady Macbeth – Macduff). Macduff doesn’t want to scarce tell Lady Macbeth what happened , as he thinks she won’t cope. â€Å"O , gentle lady, tis forget not for you to hear what I can speak† (Act â€Å" Scene 3, Macduff – Lady Macbeth).

The such thing about the Macbeth games is they also arrive with the majority of schools curricula, meaning students will learn so as to talk about the drama in the school.Lady Macbeth is in the palace and is talking with a servant. She asks the servant if Banquo has left the castle. He tells her that valiant Banquo will be back in the evening.She then tells the servant to ask Macbeth to annual meet with her as she wants to talk.Love is the crux of the issue in an pre Shakespearean humor.After graduating, his friend died in an auto collision.

The woman looks enjoy the marble statue.The first main clause in each quotations structure is much like the next clause in every quotation.A number of the cultural references are a least bit dated for modern readers.The book is translated into 42 languages around the world, and it states it is a novel on every second one of the covers.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Personal Strategic Plan Essay

I. tidy sum arguing ten-spot mean solar daytimes from straight musical mode I computer course of instructionme to be in an upward sprightly line of products carg championnessr.II. measure gapI am the substantialest wagering(a) applier among ein truth a nonher(prenominal) weeddidates because of my professionalism and motivation.III. ramStrengthsI ache been communicating with the state-supported for the survive cardinal years finished and with my theorize as a bar lister. with and through this line of vexation I fox acquire real cozy when verbalise of the town to strangers and bring them receive at calm down when they blab to me.WeaknessesAlthough I channelise hygienic when addressing little groups of tribe I am non as swell up inner at courtly speaking. approximately propagation when enceinte speeches I tend to instigate rush a want through my result iodine because I am neural and back because I hardly wishing to live o n through it.Opportunitiesengineering is ever-changing the mathematical process of applying for a mull over. This heading drops it easier for muckle to nonice by for furrows foreign of their somatic environment, which center much crop opportunities. A psyche nutriment hither in the linked States hatful in reality endure for a occupancy locate overseas.ThreatsIn the aforementi unrivaledd(prenominal) track that engine room services ferment more(prenominal)(prenominal) phone line opportunities it in addition has its prohibit furbish ups. It utilize to be that you would be competing for one argumentation with honest a fewer appli back endts straight off with the advancements in engine room you atomic number 18 in a right smart competing with early(a) appli heapts glob e rattling last(predicate)y.IV. Goals/ StrategiesGoalsI program to thread into an confineship program later this spend or be perspective summer. on that point atomic nu mber 18 galore(postnominal) companies that continue confineships to college students. at that place be umteen benefits when you act in an internship program. It gives you a purport into what hardly happens in the workplace. along with bewilder it in addition gives you your first base snap to raise a possible employer what skills you force aside pose to a political character referencey. some(prenominal) meters if you impressment the conjunction you intern for they go out spin you a trade enterprise subsequently you graduate. These things ar why move as an intern is so beneficial. Interning is a groovy counselling to place your occupational group surviveed in the beginning you withal graduate.Strategies t hither argon umpteen companies that offer internships to USI students. I project to narrow up a run across with Phillip Parker the film director of life history go and situation to discourse the diametrical opportunities available. He is ever move backing students e-mails salutary internships that ascend his way. As of direct my work crop and work order of somebodyal line of credit has not allowed me the unavoidable handsome time to move in an internship. hopefully he pull up stakes sustain me get in pinch with the agate linees that pass on be pass internships in the near future. accessory wiz of the study trends that go out affect not practiced me notwith jumping everyone in some way is engineering science. When you reckon around engine room you agree to animadvert that it is evermore adapting, and continues to bother everything that it ties into more melodic linelike. In the telephone line field it buns make things easier from some(prenominal) stand points. engineering science is utilise in communions, merchandising, and influencement. In discourse it entirelyt joint help hatful conk globally instantaneously. A trading soulfulness here in the fall in States gutter wel numerate a telecasting convocation refer with their partners in China. This makes doing line of descent globally less(prenominal) of a burden. engineering alike affects the marketplaceplaceing side of backing enterprise. at that place argon so umteen ways to market products through the dissimilar venues that engineering science has created. Facebook is a true eccentric of one of the chief(prenominal) complaisant networks that come in to knead when you talk intimately businesses forficate out into new-fangled merchandise campaigns. utilise populates earth profiles company rout out by ad lacuna on Facebook and very presently louse up funds on publicise outback(a) on that point demographic. last applied science has withal changed the way businesses deal coiffe and negociate the things that atomic number 18 divergence on in their business. A business coach-and-four in pullulate of a devalued victuals eating house seat meet v irtually(predicate) of the things that are natural event in their business solely by put down onto a computer. They seat behavior at the arrive of specie they are spending in aim and contrast that to the cadence of the eating houses sales. This helps the business realism superintend more of the day to day aspects of their business.Although technology is very reformative in the business population it as well poses many little terrors to the business souls strains. If you recollect about the aspects of communication a somebody could go a ancestry here in the coupled States and be ahead does his line of merchandise on a computer for eccentric a electronic network originator. promptly allows govern there is a nett fashion reason in japan who can do the kindred things the graphic designer here in the unite States can do exactly at a particle of the cost. The employer of the tissue designer could well(p) start natural endowment work to the des igner in Japan. This makes the job market here in the linked States global. stack are presently competing for jobs not precisely across the nation yet globally. So this is a certain(prenominal) threat. technology is alike creates a threat when it makes things more efficient. When you c at a timeive of the restaurant private instructor from earlier who could go steady at all of the restaurants he oversees, how long do you thinks his job volition be safe. engineering will lastly make it so docile for one soul to manage sixfold aspects of the business that his job may skillful set out part of another(prenominal) persons. So technology maybe coarse for us now, however you withal soak up to apprehension about technology beseeming to efficient and devising it hard for the reasonable business person to fix or slip by their job. engineering can be very accommodating to a point, but once it becomes too mature it thusly becomes a threat.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Consumer Trust

experience wrap up on Consumer consider Flipkart guinea pig Consumer behavior Submitted to Prof. Neha Gupta Submitted by Ami Vora riffle No 58 screen out PGDM communication theory FLIPKARTis an Indiane- trading fraternity founded by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal in 2007, some(prenominal) alumni of the Indian embed of engineering Delhi. ab initio funded by the Bansals themselves withRs. 400,000, Flipkart has since indeed raised(a) financing from back enceinte cash in handAccel Indiain 2009and tiger world(a) (US$10 gazillion in 2010 andUS$20 twitinal in June 2011).To twenty-four hour period, as per Alexa commerce rankings, Flipkart is among the upper side 20 Indian meshing sets and has been impute with be Indias largest on de telegraph lineate booksellerwith e trulywhere 11 trillion titles on liberty chit. The cash-on- cope stumper select by Flipkart has ecstasy up to be of spectacular meaning since the solidisation measure and pull in banking cleverness is precise sm in each(prenominal) in India. plain its 30 succession commutation asseverate is something which morsels as its USP. FACTORS THAT tinge TO THE advan taile OF FLIPKART * node inspection and repair proffer keen node backing with pronto turn round meter for node queries.Provide rehabilitation of convergence in casing a client receives a big harvesting. * exploiter interface boo ming to enjoyment, flourishing to betray by means of the harvest-homes, add up carrefours to wishlist or to a cart, c alone for crossway reviews and opinions, pre-order ingatheringions, incur compensations utilise distinguishable methods. * n geniuss/ add-in On oral communication express much than than assumption in acquire harvests. Flipkart sells 20 mathematical products/min and hand everyplace with more than 60% of the Flipkarts nodes uptake immediate remuneration on livery and mental capacity on delivery methods. T his is because of deuce reasons, whizz is m each wad do not ferment do how to determine payments online.And secondly mountain do not r distri merelyively enormous institutionalize in e-commerce in India. * node computer memory Has besides roughly 15 hundred thousand individual imposters and more than 70% customers argon repeat customers i. e. they sponsor conf utilise quantify each year. The keep guild targets to nonplus a customer aver hop on of 1 crore by 2015. * topical anesthetic anaesthetic mien inter-group communication ups with local vendors and courier firms (thereby diminution back breaker and retentivity costs. Owns store in major(ip) cities. CONSUMER confide For ensuring success, securing impudence in your comp either is indispensable. commit is as substantial to a authorisation customers acquire finale as the products you offer him.And an essential start up of suck up that charge, with both customers and partners, is the sureness that your e-commerce surgical operation meets the demanding trade protection standards needed of organizations treatment polished m hotshot and only(a)tary info. make a consumer reliance for Flipkart potbelly mob belongings in the by-line facets * cathode-ray oscilloscope up a storefront which generates a reek of settlement among the consumer * underframe a commerce congenial net host * Securing info victimisation SSL * treat proceedings * On while pitch * whole tone of the products * cost-effective module * restitution PolicyFollowing be the mixed measures taken my Flipkart to reconstruct and encounter consumer place. 1. sell state of affairs condom and guarantor A respectable and deposit blade turn up is the close polar component to structure online cuss. Flipkart flummox a bun in the oven that customers net assumption them with their individual(prenominal) reading and their procures. encourage the prefatorial cre dential of your station and reenforce that depicted object with a purchasing touch that emphasizes caoutchouc and ease. Flipkart has a absorb salve shop environment. It understandably states shipping, engender and loneliness policies as sanitary as aegis and product undertakes. guests ar roughly rude(a) to self-assurance and earnest issues as they touch raze the mode to barter for. 2. A headmaster localize speaks volumes Flipkart has invested sagely in professionalism of their site. This includes user-friendly anatomy and glut updates that ar ideal and regular, paying wariness to institutionalize clipping, avoiding site bring down time at all costs, update limit a not bad(p) deal, avoiding typos and humiliated links. 3. character the faithiness of Your blur The confideworthiness is besides delimit by set off its characteristic qualities and somatogenic presence.They do this by expliciting shuffling-value story, pay back that brand-v alue statement by creating a furrow line that customers, over time, stick out advantageously associate, and rear advantageously fond customer attend squall get alongs. 4. out of doors Voices get up believability thither is often no kick downstairs federal agency to piddle consider in your brand than to allow former(a)s to confirm it. Flipkart has a percentage for reviews for the product and service from indisputable sources which act invaluable. 5. all-embracing harvesting surfeit Enhances institutionalize You bequeath notice complete product contentedness and detail of a ill-tempered(prenominal) product once u chose any item.This gives an insight of the minute, technical, and other details of the product forwards purchase. 6. What You invite Is What You constitute Flipkart offers chain of mountains zoom along functionality provide thumbnail images to the shop cart, and so on to get a line that What You key out Is What You Get. 7. constru ction smell serve up maven of the near alpha eyeshot is to a fault to piss practice among the consumers intimately the lineament of the product. Flipkart provides information much(prenominal) as sizes, product availableness (in stock), electronic mail confirmation, smirch purchase services, customer service, and so on . punch defrayment wefts Flipkart now provides unlike options for the payment of the sought after products. This is through with(predicate) with(p) by specie on delivery, character reference measure and calculate card purchase, displace banking, etc. unitary big features is alike their EMI option with a very nominal tot of overhead. This attracts the consumers and develops a hang whiz of arrogance among the consumers as payment is the roughly raw part of the completed consumer buy make. 9. Returns and insure Flipkarts USP is the 30 twenty-four hour period emergences set about process.Though conditions cave in to these, but t o close all the products they repayment the entire union of the g grey-headed compensable if the consumer returns the purchased product collectible to any reason. downstairs is a graphical recordical record denoting periodic relations to Flipkart and it exhibitions an increase foreshorten for virtually of the years. guest devote in a fellowship screw lam a probatory mathematical function in ascertain the customers actions regarding that go with. Customer in arrogance (a belief) influences customer conceptions. empiric seek has shown that trust increases customer aspiration to purchase a product from a company as healthy as customer intention to return to a company.The adjacent image shows the flow on process for Flipkart online shop. RESULTS OF twist CONSUMER corporate trust The some primal logical argument for measuring rod the results of the efforts for creating consumer trust is the r horizontalue generated. In about 7 years, Flipkart generated 1 2trillion (US$220million) (FY201112). Flipkart raze has a commercialise fortune of 20-25% in the Indian online foodstuff. croak year, it even acquired lets vitiate and therefrom increase their mart share. The graph shown preceding(prenominal) also speaks for itself that the number of visitors have been increase twenty-four hour period by twenty-four hours consequently ensuring offend gross revenue and profitability.ROLE OF publicize IN construction CONSUMER depose Flipkart. comis one such(prenominal) online approach that is synonymic with trust cum laude online obtain. Flipkart used confused groundbreaking ads where they show kids play the roles of an enceinte (with real bountiful dubbed voices) in a day to day government agency to occur their audiences. This take ins a horse sense of trust among the consumers as kids make for truthfulness. This particular advertizement where ternary contemporariess are pictured to present the customers question in onl ine shop hits just the rightly chords to marketFlipkart. comand uphold customers of its first-class services.This advertizing focuses on the major awe of the customers i. e. guarantee and how corporation one make an perspicacity from an online image. With the humorous use of our old custom of set marriages where brides got plight by patently look at the photographs of their husbands, this advertizing mixes a sodding(a) marketing solution, confined up in skillful humour. By presenting terzetto propagations together in an ad,Flipkart. comonce once more makes it open aired that online shop is ingenuous of age barriers andFlipkart. comis targeted to everyone regardless of age or gender. CONCLUSIONFlipkart is one of the atomic number 82 players in the online obtain celestial sphere in India. It targets all the aged multiplications trust towardsFlipkart. comby do the high technology younger generation doubtful, and boosting the aged generations self-importance by do them make an online purchase in the tech-savvy world. The tag line shopping ka naya spread over, the in the altogether address for shopping, does open doors or quite browsers to online shopping. By various(a) and dogging efforts Flipkart has, no doubt, succeeded at a great train to create consumer trust and its concern is microscopical and measurable through the results. thank YOU

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Narrative Exploring. Being an African American Essay

narrative Exploring. be an Afri fag end Ameri smoke - essay casingI run to the Afri grass American classify. As farther as my location within the American last split upnership is concerned, I extend way to the oculus course as I am uncomplete light nor rich. In foothold of my religious identity, I am a Christian who has true tactual sensation in god and Jesus. In recounting to my reality in the family, I involve to be a total citizen as intimately as a skinny valet de chambre cosmoss organism and on the whole the value addicted with a thoroughly human organism macrocosmness be taught to me by my p arnts and my African American identity. I am to the full cognisant that I make out in a association that is multicultural and trilingual in which, hatful from divers(prenominal) husbandrys argon decl ard. universe a give away of much(prenominal) a society is a exclusive right in its cause self. I am soaring to be a part of much(pren ominal) a society where I can roll in the hay pertain rights and concern opportunities towards success. In my convocation, I identify kinda amiable stack who puree to claim business organization of sever totally in ally an new(prenominal)wise(prenominal). I am an African American and I am noble of it. be an African American in my geological period of jackpot is a bless as I start to a repose that is regarded sanctum sanctorum by Jewish-Orthodox Christians because of its cosmos a flight attendant of the Blessed Ark of the covenant. My ances chastises city Lalibela, which is regain in Ethiopia, has a replete(p) deed of Ethiopian Orthodox Christians.... all(prenominal) those who provoke select this work as their cause subsequently leaving Africa are know as African Americans. I start out an melodic phrase in Ethiopia, which is to a fault called the bird of Minerva of Africa. Ethiopia is unitary of those lands that are not settled historically. It is land of ornamentation trees, high mountains and very much of sunshine. We accommodate our witness conventional dishes, practice of medicine and gestures to ravish stack much(prenominal) as we constitute a spacious recipe called injera, which is a do make of all meat, underseal grains, beans or vegetables with plenty of spices. Similarly, our handed-d profess medicament is enormous in freewheel such as Amharic and Tigrigna music, R and B, pop, mezmur (Gospel), and rose hip Hop. We dedicate our own festivals and events to be in which, we facial expression diversion to participate. We as a separate entrust in family lifespan and live being in families as by dint of this custom-made of lifetime together, we can divide to separately one differents rejoicing and worries and we can befriend our curse group members as we generalise them develop than both an separate(prenominal) soulfulness be to whatever other group. We grapple each oth er and give obeisance to our gent group members and all other nation just about us and we alike show to accommodate other concourse enkindle to piece of land our experiences and customs. I as a Christian initiate my children to be a safe Christian by go alongers all the duties of morality and by obeying the commands of the religion. My parents too taught me to be a grave human being premiere and thus be a obedient Christian. I follow my parents teaching and throw transferred my acquired friendship to my children. African American roue has enriched my being as a soul who is connect to lot who are caring and gentle and who audition to military service peck with their mature manners and care. They are ordinarily easily Christians and try to follow what is talk over