Saturday, December 28, 2019
The War On Drugs Is It Time For Switch Strategies
Abstract The War on Drugs that the United States has been fighting since the 1880’s has taken a toll on our society like no other issue. It has affected us on all fronts of social issues; immigration, imprisonment, poverty and resource draining costs. The question is then is it still worth it to fight it or move on to a new strategy. The War on Drugs: Is it time to switch strategies. Introduction The war on drugs in America has been fought since the 1880s when the Chinese Exclusion Act was first passed by congress. Several pieces of legislation have followed this initial volley in this war up to present day. Statistics from 2011 showed there where 1.6 million state and federal prisoners (Guerino, Harrison, Sabol, 2011) according†¦show more content†¦Statistics like this force you to ask whether the cost of our drug prohibition has really been and is worth it. Legislative History The War on Drugs, although not officially not named so until around 1971, began in the 1880s with the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act. The main focus on this act was the immigration of Chinese people, but it was also attempting to curb the flow of opium and opiates into the United States. This act was renewed for the next 80 years or so until in the Immigration Act of 1965 was passed. The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 required all physicians to accurately label medicines, but opium and coca where not outlawed. It was estimated that the passage of this law decreased the sale of medications with opiates by almost 33%. The next and really first act of legislation specifically aimed at drugs, was the Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914. The act restricted the manufacture and sale of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and morphine. The act was aggressively enforced resulting in physicians, who were prescribing drugs to addicts on â€Å"maintenance†programs, being harshly punished. Between 1915 and 1938, more than 5,000 physicians were convicted and fined or jailed (Trebach, 1982, p. 125). In 1919, the Supreme Court ruled against the maintenance of addicts as a legitimate form of treatment in Webb et al. v. United States. Clearly, America’s
Friday, December 20, 2019
Nike Company Analysis Essay - 2938 Words
Unit 6 Assignment 2 Nike, Incorporated Company Analysis Michael G. Castro Capella University MBA6008 – Global Economic Environment Professor Hadsell February 15, 2013 Introduction Being the world’s leading innovator in athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories, Nike holds to their mission to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world (Bowerman, 2011). Not only does Nike design, develop, and sell a slew of products and services to help athletes, they also market sports-inspired products for everyone else whom Nike classifies as an athlete because in their eyes, if one has a body, then they are an athlete. Nike’s main driver is in its emphasis on sports, however it is in the apparel†¦show more content†¦Revenues for Nike in the China region increased by just a mere 2% in Q1 fiscal 2013 compared to a 15% increase in the same quarter last year (NIKE, INC., 2012). China’s economy continues to struggle as the GDP growth rate plummeted to 7.4% in the third quarter of 2012 (Dailymail UK, 2012). When compared to Nike’s overall 16% revenue growth, Europe (primarily the Western Europe region) has bee n slow. Contributing roughly 20% to Nike’s revenues, Western Europe last three quarters had a growth of -5%, 4% and 7%, respectively, compared to Nike’s growth figures of 11%, 16%, and 21% (NIKE, INC., 2012). It is believed that Europe’s weak economy is the culprit behind its slow growth. The United Nations reported that after Europe grew by 1.5 per cent in 2011, aggregate GDP is expected to contract by 0.3 per cent in 2012 with only a modest rebound of 0.9 per cent predicted for 2013 (UN, 2012). Social Nike believes in in the awesome power of the human potential thus by using their size and reach, they can be a catalyst for long-term change that empowers support for local communities addressing the basic needs for health, safety and vitality; especially where they live, work and play (Nike Responsibility, Community, 2011). Nike, being the massive global company that they are, is enabling the â€Å"scaling up†of the power sport by using their employees, consumers and investors. Coming from simple, direct investment ventures that turn into widely adopted andShow MoreRelatedNike Company Analysis2028 Words  | 9 PagesNike Inc. International Strategic Marketing 8 Prepared for: 22-03-2009 Prepared by: Table of contents Case summary 3 Analysis Growth strategy 4 Competitor Analysis 6 SWOT analysis 8 Five forces model 9 Nike Case Summary Nike is a major publicly traded sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Cashier vs. Sales Assoicate free essay sample
Sale associates have task that have to be done, such as zoning, putting freight away and helping customer find products. I can connect to this because Im a sales associate in the crafts and fabrics department. It takes a lot of determination to get the tasks done in the time we are schedule for. By zoning we are making our department look good and to make sure we have the products in stock. This is why we get freight to put away so we never run out of items that the customers want to buy. It also helps the associate know where items are so then when a customer asks for help; the associate knows where the product is located. Another difference between a cashier and a sales associate is the location. A sales associate is assigned to a department. As for me being a part of a crafts and fabrics associates Im located in the back of the store next to electronics and pet supplies. We will write a custom essay sample on Cashier vs. Sales Assoicate or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are different locations for departments that sale associates attended to do their duties. Associates cant stand in one spot a time because there either helping Begg2 a customer or making there department look better. Time, time, time. Time is key in a sales associate’s job. They have to be on time because the associate that came in before them either is leavening soon or need you to cover the area while they go on lunch or break. Sale associates are assigning a lunch time, but they have freedom for taking their breaks. You take your break two hours after the associate signs in for the day and two hours before they leave they can take another break, depending on how many hour you work. This is where sale associates differ from cashiers. The front end of the store gets the money. These are your typical cashiers. Checking out customers items. Cashiers scan products, bag the products, and take the money. As a cashier you need to know how to do this while also communicating with the customer. It sounds like a boarding job. This is one difference of why sale associates are different. A cashier has one location and thats in the front of the store. They may have different registers, but there stuck in one spot all day. Cashiers dont get to walk around like a sales associate. Sales associates get assigned lunches and freedom to choose their own break times. However, cashiers dont get that privilege. Cashiers have to be told to take a break or a lunch. They have to wait until it slows down with the traffic of customers checking out and then an assist manger tells the cashier that they can go on break or lunch. Cashiers have very different schedules then a sales associate. For instances you are a cashier and you can only work mornings, but not nights then you only get mornings. For sale associates you put the hours you are free and then you’re scheduled to work whatever hours you’re free in the days of the week. This is unfair to sales associates, however, more hours means more money. This is why cashiers get paid less money than associates. Cashiers will always be differing in different situation then sale associates. Begg3 Sale associate and cashiers work together to make the store move smoothly. Without each other the store would be a mess. When a customer comes in and looks for stuff they need, but dont know the items are located in the store the customer may ask where the item is located and then the sale associate and either explain where the item is or show the customer what aisle the item is located. The customer is done shopping and then they proceed to the cashier. The cashier then cashes you out and the customer is on their way out the door. See how the sale associate and the cashier make it easier for the customer and the store to move smoothly. Another similarity with the two sub cultures are that we both have the same code we have to follow in case of and emergency. For example brown is a shooting situation, white is an accident in the building, and red is for fire and so on and so forth. The similarities for a cashier and a sales associate help the store do the job its needs to do which is to serve the customers , be respectful to one another and to work safely at all times. Wal-Mart stores are a big culture and there are many sub- cultures inside of Wal-Mart. Being a sale associate and a cashier are a few of the sub cultures in Walmart. These two groups may be different, but theyre very much alike. At end of the day, sale associates and cashiers always work together to make the store move smoothly.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Dante Essay Example For Students
Dante Essay Dantes Inferno and The Garden of Earthly DelightsThe Garden of Earthly Delights painted by Hieronymus Bosch, depicts many vivid fictional scenes in triptych style. The right wing of the triptych depicts Hell and the causes of mans downfall, which Dante wrote about in the Inferno. Dante tries to convey to all humanity the consequences of human actions and the levels of hell that he believes exist for different levels of sins. Dante divides Hell up into ten different circles, and there is an upper and a lower level of Hell. Dante and Bosch have similar views on the evil within people and this evil is represented in their works, whether it transpires in a painting or in a book. This evil is evident in the right wing of The Garden of Earthy Delights, which can be used to portray scenes from almost all of Dantes circles of Hell. Fire is seen in much of the painting, which can be symbolic of death. Fire is one of the only elements man can create so fire can also be seen as a symbol of mortality. Virgil said, I come to lead you to the other shore, into eternal darkness, ice, and fire. (Canto III: line 87) This quote shows the connection of fire and Hell. Fire can also be representative of the Holy Spirit and this relates to Dante who ties religion into the Inferno. Fire is the background of much of the top of the painting. Virgil said, Eternal fire burns within, giving off the reddish glow you see diffused throughout this lower Hell. (VII: 73-75) Another scene in Boschs painting that is striking appears towards the bottom and in the middle of the painting. A red instrument that is large and rounded has figures circling around it, some of which are dressed like nuns and one who is dressed like a Pope. These figures may be representative of Dantes belief in God and the Church which are two themes in the Inferno. Dante mentions Pope Nicholas III, Pope Boniface VIII, and Pope Clement V who are in hell for corrupting ecclesiastical offices in the Church and profiting from their actions. You have built yourselves a God of gold and silver! How do you differ from the idolator, except that he worships one, you worship hundreds? (XIX: 112-114) This could be why the Pope and nuns in The Garden of Earthly Delights are in Hell. They are also seen lamenting as they walk around the instrument, and according to Dante, lamenting is often heard in Hell. An additionally poignant scene in the painting is the part where a man is seen pierced through by a key. This is symbolic of a rich man who tries to keep his belongings all to himself by always guarding them, as under lock and key, and not sharing his wealth. In the Inferno, Dante says that these hoarders are unrecognizable because they spent all their time with their material goods and were otherwise undistinguished in life. Virgil says, It was squandering and hoarding that have robbed them of the lovely world, and got them in this brawl. (VII: 58-59) Selfishness is a quality that both Bosch and Dante look down on completely and selfish actions are some of the worst. In the center of the painting a man is seen climbing a ladder into the disemboweled chest of a man. This climbing man is representative of people bringing about their own punishments. For instance, Dante looks down greatly on people who have committed suicide, as does the Church. In the Inferno, these people are ripped apart by dogs in the Wood of Suicides. They sank their fangs in that poor wretch who hid, they ripped him open piece by piece, and then ran off with mouthfuls of his wretched limbs. (XIII: 127-129) To the right of the disemboweled man are animals that look like rats are eating away at a person dressed in armor. .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1 , .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1 .postImageUrl , .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1 , .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1:hover , .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1:visited , .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1:active { border:0!important; } .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1:active , .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1 .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6cb975dc92ba34005593f66a328d66f1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Gender Identity in Marge Piecys Barbie Doll Essay This could be symbolic of crimes against ones country. And that you may report on me up there, know that I am Bertran de Born, the one who evilly encouraged the young king. (XXVIII: 133-135) Dante portrays the figure of Bertran as a man who is holding his head that has been cut off. With regards to the disemboweled person, Wrong is it for a man to have what he once cast off. (XII: 104-105) There is a woman at the bottom right of the painting that is being held by a kangaroo type creature. This creature may represent the invisible force that Dante believes is inside a sinner that makes him do the things he does, whether it be caused by mental or physical suffering. One of the sinners in the Inferno, an Impersonator, kept craving water. He said, O you who bear no punishment at all (I cant think why) within this world of sorrow, he said to us, pause here and look upon the misery of one Master Adamo: in life I had all that I could desire, and now, alas, I crave a drop of water. (XXX: 58-63) There is a man pictured near the woman and he is throwing up. This could also be representative of the evil inborn in sinners. At the bottom left side of the painting is a man about to be eaten by a termite who has a game table on his head. This is illustrating that the tables are turned on the man who has committed some terrible crime. In the Inferno this is represented by Lucifer eating the three worst sinners, Judas Iscariot, Brutus, and Cassius, all who betrayed their benefactors. Dante said, In each of his three mouths he crunched a sinner, with teeth like those that rake hemp and flax, keeping three sinners constantly in pain; the one in front- the biting he endured was nothing like the clawing that he took: sometimes his back was raked clean of its skin. (XXXIV: 55-60) Judas was being punished for betraying Christ. The three heads of Lucifer may stand for the Trinity in some kind of twisted way. Dante and Bosch feel that lust corrupts man and mans corruption is evident is his actions. Dantes Inferno takes the reader through different levels of Hell, and as the levels get lower, the punishments increase in their frightfulness. Boschs Garden of Earthly Delights is almost a pictorial representation of Dantes Inferno. Dante feels that the ultimate sin is one against God and the Church and consequently, Lucifer instates the ultimate punishment. Some of the ideas painted by Bosch are vague and can be analyzed in many ways. The ears with the arrow though them and knife between them may be seen as punishment inflicted by others but it can take on different significance. Both Bosch and Dante come across as disturbed people because the graphic images they create are not pleasant but rather evil. One wonders if they created such disturbing images because they led unhappy lives or if they were expressing hidden emotions in their works. The right wing of the triptych of Boschs Garden of Earthly Delights manifests ones worst nightmares all in one painting. Dantes Inferno can be seen as a guide for people to live by so that they do not end up in Hell like the sinners in his book.Words/ Pages : 1,223 / 24
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