Thursday, January 30, 2020
Social Anthropology Essay Example for Free
Social Anthropology Essay Social and cultural anthropology is the comparative study of culture and human societies. Anthropologists seek an understanding of human kind in all its diversity. This understanding is reached through the study of societies and cultures and the exploration of the general principlesof social andcultural life. Social and cultural anthropology places special emphasis on comparative perspectives that challenge cultural assumptions. Many anthropologists explore problems and issues associated with the complexity of modern societies in local, regional and global contexts. Participant observation is one type of data collection method, its aim is to gain a close and intimate familiarity with a given group of individuals and their habits through an intensive involvement with people in their cultural environment, usually over an extended period of time. The term ethnography has come to be equated with virtually any qualitative research project where the intent is to provide a detailed, in-depth description of everyday life and practice. The relationship between P. O. and the ethnography is that, in order to write the ethnography, we get information using P. O. The importance of fieldwork is that the data the anthropologist gathers is more valuable because is first hand information. However, the armchair anthropology is based on books and reaserch papers written by anthropologists that have done prior studies. There are some advantages and disadvantages of fieldwork, which i will mention: The main advantage would be that the anthropologist can stablish a good relationship with the people being observered, that leads to a more honest information, and you may tell when people are lying or hiding something. Another important advatage to point out is that you learn how to formulate right questions. The most important disadvantage is that the person doing the research may be bias to the person who is being interviwed. Also, the fact that there is a lack of privacy while doing the work, which might affect the anthropologist point of view. Depending on the period of time in which the ethnography is written, the data included may vary. Due to this fact, the anthropologist as well as the person being observed are affected by the events going on, and by the knowledge they have at this point. As an example, an ethnography published before Darwin, might had been taking into account Lamarck`s theory. On the other side, a study done after Darwin, would consider Darwin`s theory.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Free Essays on Picture of Dorian Gray: Denied Talent :: Picture Dorian Gray Essays
The Picture of Dorian Gray Harry is Pan, the piper who leads Dorian on his path to destruction, decadence, and moral decay. As with Pan, the merry and much-loved god, the victim of the god's attention does not fare well. As Pan had Syrinx and Echo, Harry has Dorian. Pan caused madness and panic with his passions; Harry seems to have had the same result with Dorian. Wilde reveals much of Harry's character in the writing. His is the predominant voice; he delivers most of the dialogue. Is Harry the autobiographical character? He is shown as the clever, witty, blasé sophisticate; jaded, bored, and poised for an interesting project. Enter Dorian, whose innocence and beauty present an irresistible challenge. Before Harry, Dorian was unaware of his beauty. "The sense of his own beauty came on him like a revelation. He had never felt it before." (p. 18) It is Harry who makes him see and fall in love with his own beauty, and realize the brevity of youth. "Then had come Lord Henry Wotton with his strange panegyric on youth, his terrible warning of its brevity." (p. 18) In the space of an afternoon Harry has cast his spell; Dorian is convinced that youth is the only thing worth having. The gods had an unfortunate lapse in their wisdom. While Sibyl and her fellow goddesses asked for eternal life but forgot to ask for eternal youth, Pan has it right- the object of his affection will never become ugly and grotesque. Harry toys with Dorian, takes pleasure in his game. "Talking to him was like playing upon an exquisite violin. He answered to every touch and thrill of the bowThere was something terribly enthralling in the exercise of influence. No other activity was like it." (p. 26) This becomes a satisfying entertainment for Harry. He creates and dominates. "He would make that wonderful spirit his own." (p. 27) He projects his soul into the pure and graceful form that is Dorian. The tension between Harry and Dorian heightens; he fascinates and is reflected more brilliant by Dorian's gaze. "He felt that the eyes of Dorian Gray were fixed on him, and the consciousness that amongst his audience there was one whose temperament he wished to fascinate, seemed to give his wit keenness, and to lend colour to his imagination.
Monday, January 13, 2020
It is not only Hamlet who is ‘transformed’ Essay
â€Å"Something have you heard of Hamlet’s transformation†It is not only Hamlet who is ‘transformed’: the concepts of transformation and decay are at the centre of the play both for Shakespeare’s audience and for modern theatregoers. Discuss. The opening scene of Hamlet is one filled with nervousness and emotional tension. Shakespeare shows this through the language of his characters. Barnardo’s first line of â€Å"Who’s there†followed by Francisco’s reply of â€Å"Nay, answer me.†reveals to the audience the agitation of the sentinels. This unstable atmosphere continues throughout the scene and the audience find out that there is a threat from Fortinbras to attack Denmark and the old king has died. Certainty dissolves into rumour showing there is also dislocation in Denmark’s society â€Å"At least the whisper goes so†as the people are uncertain about what is going to happen. The play speaks of a â€Å"strange eruption†to the state and so it could be argued that Denmark has gone through a ‘transformation’ of political power and the state itself has changed. This is because Marcellus speaks of the ‘old’ Denmark and how â€Å"hallow’d and so gracious is that time†when the nights were â€Å"wholesome†. The ‘new’ Denmark, on the other hand, is a place where the dead are restless and the future of the country is uncertain. The theme of political instability was a significant factor for a 17th century audience who had experienced similar traumas. England had struggled to raise a navy to meet the Spanish Armada in 1588. Shakespeare’s Denmark is in a state in jeopardy- just as England was after the death of Elizabeth as the public awaited to see who would succeed the throne. Shakespeare’s first audience could see a scene of their own recent history- and an unsettling reminder of their uncertain future. Like the sentinels, an audience in the 1600s would feel uneasy and sense the dislocation of Denmark. A modern audience understands the instability in the opening scene, however, they would not necessarily be fully aware of its intenseness, as there are different attitudes towards kings and the transmission of power of one regime to the next today. Nevertheless, the opening scene has a dramatic impact on both audiences and although an audience in 1600 would relate to the ‘transformation’ of the state more than an audience in 2003, both audiences understand that â€Å"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. †The instability of the natural world affects the different audiences in different ways. The entrance of the Ghost had particular significance to Shakespeare’s audience; religion and the state were intertwined; ghosts walked the earth and their return signified unfinished business, a threat to the state or buried treasure. In this case, the ghost is seen wearing armour showing that evil must have occurred which harmed the former king: â€Å"My father’s spirit – in arms! All is not well. I doubt some foul play. †The arrival of the Ghost establishes the break between this world and the next, the natural and the supernatural. This adds to the idea of ‘transformation’ of Denmark that has gone from a place of natural stability into a state of constant turmoil where the supernatural and natural are combined. There is a greater dramatic impact on Shakespeare’s audience when the Ghost arrives because they believed in the supernatural world and therefore would understand this unstableness in the state. Modern audiences, however, would not be fully aware of how significant the arrival of the Ghost is in the play. More people today do not believe in such things as ghosts and the supernatural realm. However, modern audiences would sense that there has been a ‘transformation’ in the natural order of Denmark, the reasons for this change such as political and moral instability would affect the audience more than the supernatural aspect of the play. Moral issues in Hamlet add to the idea that the state has been ‘transformed’. Both audiences would have been shocked to discover the marriage between Claudius and Gertrude having found out that Claudius is the dead king’s brother. Shakespeare shows us disgust through the language of his characters. Hamlet’s line of: â€Å"O most wicked speed! To post with such dexterity to incestuous sheets! †has hissing sibilants that truly show the disgust of the prince and therefore the audience. Shakespeare also emphasises Hamlet’s repulsion repeatedly with vivid sexual imageries, †In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed†¦ †furthermore increasing our disgust of incest between the â€Å"Bloat King†and his queen. Some among Hamlet’s first audience would recognise this marriage as a parallel to English history. Claudius kills a king and assumes his throne. Henry VII killed King Richard III at Bosworth and founded a Tudor dynasty on a flawed pedigree. Claudius marries Gertrude his late brother’s wife as Henry VIII married his brother’s widow, Katharine of Aragon. Shakespeare’s audience knew how England had suffered because of the immoral involvement between the royals, such as incest and murder, so they could predict that Denmark will suffer because of its king as England did. By relating his play to parts of recent history, Shakespeare relies on his audience to supply the details of what is to come.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Developing An Effective Nutrition Plan Essay - 1618 Words
To help an athlete, reach their full potential, it is extremely important to develop an effective nutrition plan. These plans cannot be developed without analyzing an athlete’s current dietary regimen with regard to their food intake as well as exercise. This paper will analyze Anthony Scarfo, a professional soccer player, examining Scarfo’s current exercise plan as well as his daily nutrition intake. Anthony Scarfo is a twenty-four-year-old professional football player who currently plays for Pennsylvania’s Philadelphia Eagles. At present, Scarfo currently stands precisely 5’9†tall and he weighs in at 178 pounds. Scarfo is a Caucasian male, and he follows a really demanding training schedule. Scarfo’s football practice occurs five days each week during the off season, and is included in Scarfo’s training schedule every day that his team is not scheduled to play in a game once the professional football season has begun. Football practice involves participating in a five-mile run each and every day. In addition to his run, Scarfo also includes agility exercises as well as visiting the weight room at least four times each week for at least two hours. In the weight room Scarfo performs various upper body as well as lower body workouts by utilizing various machines. Scarfo additionally exceeds his minimum workout demand in the weight room by g oing at least five times each week instead of just four, where Scarfo is sure to perform numerous lifting exercises targeted toShow MoreRelatedCase Study: Developing an Overweight Program Essay1435 Words  | 6 PagesCase Study: Developing an Overweight Program Throughout history, the United States Army has had a proud heritage and reputation of being the greatest fighting force in the world. It has upheld this status by maintaining the physical fitness and appearance of its soldiers. 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