Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Strategies of Market Growth Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategies of Market Growth - Assignment Example Today, the economies of most of these markets are growing and expanding at a rate that easily attracts multinational companies from all across the world. Most of these emerging markets are also having very favourable macroeconomic and microeconomic policies that put them at highly lucrative positions to choose in the doing of global business. With the coming and advancement of technology also, there has been a major boost in terms of how effective and efficient business is undertake in these emerging markets. All of these favourable conditions notwithstanding, it remain a fact that with the level of development in these emerging markets, companies need much strategic approaches to make good use of consumers in emerging markets, especially those at the bottom of the pyramid. In this paper, two key business strategies that can be used by these companies are critically discussed. Strategies of Market Growth Gollakota (2010) identifies consumers at the bottom of the pyramid as one of the most important stakeholders of any company’s supply chain, especially those in emerging markets. ... erstanding circumstances that consumers must satisfy to meet their needs, whiles the final parameter looks into the essence of what the consumer wants to accomplish (Gollakota, 2010). Generally, though, the deep cost management centres on the second paradigm, which advises the need for prices of products and services to be cut low to ensure that those at the bottom will also have the means of responding to their needs. For the companies to do this cost cutting without running at a loss it important that they are engaged in prudent management of production cost. In the second instance, the use of deep benefit management is recommended for use. Unlike the former which focuses on cost management, this is more concerned about value management, where the need for companies to think of ways of adding new features that give unique value to their products and services is recommended (Ghemawat, 2010). In most cases, what has been observed with emerging markets is that consumers at the bottom want to use their money in the most guaranteed means that they have to be very certain about value for money. In effect, even if they will have to be paying more, they would need guarantee that the same product or service from another outfit has less value than the one they are purchasing (Pelle, 2007). Meanwhile, the best way to raise the value of a product is by introducing new features that takes away cost in an indirect manner. Some of these ways include â€Å"offering convenient locations, transport, or other services that are essential for BOP customers† Gollakota, 2010 p. 361). Conclusion In conclusion, it will be reiterated that the need for businesses and organizations to succeed is not an achievement that comes by accident, especially when reference is made to emerging markets. As

Monday, October 28, 2019

New Vaccine against Cervical Cancer Essay Example for Free

New Vaccine against Cervical Cancer Essay According to the American cancer society, in the year 2008, â€Å"about 11,070 cases of invasive cervical cancer will be diagnosed in the United States.† (American Cancer Society). Close to a third of these women will succumb to cervical cancer making it to be one of the leading in cancer deaths. This indicates the magnanimity of the problem facing the society today, a problem that has become costly to address. An announcement made by experts in 2004 on the possible invention of a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer was treated with glee and huge expectations. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is aimed at the strains of the Papillomavirus that leads to cervical cancer. The raging controversy when this vaccine is mentioned is the insistence by the health experts that it can only be effective in women if it is introduced at a young age of below thirteen. The position of this paper, in spite of the recognition and appreciation of the gravity of cervical cancer, is that the HPV vaccine should not be given to young girls as it will create an impression that it is appropriate to engage in premarital sex.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Vaccination against cervical cancer has become a sensitive issue with possible political ramifications to legislators that are likely to support its being mandatory. Most of the informed criticism being leveled on the vaccine centers on its inappropriateness when it is carried out against young girls. It is important to note that the raging opposition against the vaccine does not centre on its ability to prevent cervical cancer but at the perception and the image it is likely to send to the young, sexually and emotionally vulnerable girls (Gilham Matthews 48) Gardasil and Cervarix are such vaccines that are currently deeply embroiled in this controversy. Gardasil is a product of Merck that seeks to protect women from four strains of cervical cancer. These strains are 6.11, 16, and 18. For it to be effective, it has to be given to a person in a period stretching to 6 months. A total of three injections are carried out. Cervarix is a product of GlaxoSmithKline but its approval is still under consideration by the Food and Drugs Authority. Unlike Gardasil, it protects a woman against two strains only of Human Papillomavirus. These are 16 and 18. It is also carried out in three injections spanning over a period of six months. One important point to note here is that the efficiency of these two drugs as far as protecting women against the various HPV types is yet to be fully ascertained. This is because of the existence of a high number of strains of HPV. This means that a third of all cervical cancer cases cannot be prevented. However, it is vital to point out that Gardasil has so far been approved by the FDA for being effective in arresting any infection on the strains that it targets (Lowy and Schiller 13). The argument being made by those that advocate for its mandatory vaccination on young girls is on the basis of the fact that it can only be functional if given to women before they began engaging in sexual activities. According to the FDA, it is licensed for use by women between the age 9 and 26. There is an undeniable logic in this. A vaccine is preventative and not curative. There are tentative reports on studies that indicate the possible manufacturing of drugs that will be effective even to women infected with HPV. However, the ones that have raised controversy are only effective to women that have not had any sexual contacts. It is hence undeniable that there is enough ground for this vaccination to be given to girls at a tender age; however this does not mean that it should be made mandatory on young girls even before the age of puberty (Elit and Froese 26). Although fully understanding the benefits of such a vaccination and the possible averting of a cervical   cancer related deaths, it is crucial to investigate the kind of perception that legislators would be sending to the young people by making it mandatory for school going girls to have cervical cancer vaccines. At the age of 12, girls are in their formative stage and on the verge of becoming sexually developed and mature. Between the age of 9 and 25, they are likely to be tempted to engage in premarital sex not recognizing the risks that that they face from the immense sexually transmitted diseases. A vaccine against cancer given, at such a tender age, will send the wrong image that it is okay to engage in such activities. Rather than making it mandatory to have the vaccine carried out on all young girls, a more inexpensive campaign should be carried out to propagate for abstinence as the best strategy of avoiding HPV.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In these days of incurable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, the abstinence debate has been taken a notch higher and abstinence campaign groups have been formed reaching out the young people wide and far. The insistence by some policy makers and the drug manufacturing companies on the mandatory need to carry out the vaccinations is likely to sound a death knell to such campaigns. According to Rob Stein â€Å"Conservative groups say they welcome the vaccine as an important public health tool but oppose making it mandatory.† (AO3) This is a popular stand that is being echoed over time even as the Texas Governor issued the executive order making it mandatory to all school girls from sixth grade.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Taking a look at the raging debate of anti cancer vaccine would reveal the intensity of the criticism that stand over the order. On February 2, 2007 Texas Governor, Rick Perry went against the legislature and issued an executive order PP65 that would have made it compulsory for all six grade girls   to undergo a vaccination against Human Papillomavirus. In issuing the order, Perry managed to circumvent the possible opposition such a bill would be facing from members of legislature and the immense lobbying by conservative rights groups. The order would have required that from September this year, all females commencing sixth grade will have to get a Gardasil jab. By sixth grade, the governor is focusing on girls of a tender age between 11 and 12. Perry has come out clearly in support of the vaccine saying that the issuing of the order was prompted by understanding of the economic benefits that it stands to bring. He said that, ‘the HPV vaccine provides with an incredible opportunity to effectively target and prevent cervical cancer.† (USA TODAY)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An analysis of the order brings out a number of controversial issues that point a finger against the vaccine. According to the pro-family groups, the executive order usurped the role and the powers of the legislature. This is a move that immediately prompted a bill in the legislature that has sought to rescind the order. It is important to note that by issuing the order, he has also usurped the role of the parents in deciding what is right for their children.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The financial implications of Perry’s executive order also need to be analyzed. Gardasil emerges as an expensive vaccine costing over three hundred dollars. This would be an expensive venture by a state that wishes to make it mandatory for girls to have the vaccine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When the issue of Perry’s executive order is raised, there are a number of factors that are brought to the surface as likely to have contributed to the issuing of the executive order.   This however is not to undermine the importance of the vaccine and the benefits that such an executive order can reap. There have been connections that have been drawn between the Texas governor and the Gardasil manufacturers, Merck. Importantly, Merck is said to have contributed 6000 dollars to his campaigns. The drug campaign chief lobbyist was Perry’s chief of staff. This may be a non pertinent issue but it is a strong indicator of the influence wielded by the drug manufactures. Another issue that would come up to discredit the order is the cost of distributing the vaccine to the school girls in Texas. Taking a look at the provision of health services in Texas paints a grim picture. Texas is among the states in the United States that has the highest rate of people not under any medical insurance cover. Governor Perry’s Executive Order may have been a positive move of curbing the spread of cervical cancer but it would have been appropriate if the resources that could have catered for the vaccination be channeled towards the provision of basic health to children outside the insurance cover. A look at the above also brings an important issue on the table in regard to the vaccine. The role that the manufacturing companies play in influencing important and sensitive policies also needs to be analyzed. Merck, Gardasil manufacturer, has spent huge amount of money in lobbying for the passage of state laws that would make it mandatory to have schoolgirls between the age of 11 and 12 be vaccinated against HPV. It would not be an ill advised move to regard big pharmaceutical companies with suspicion in regard to pushing for a policy that would increase their sales. Though not to disregard important role that Merck is playing in the fight against cervical cancer, it would not be inappropriate to note that Merck’s move was driven by financial and economic considerations. Merck owns the patent and the rights to exclusively produce and distribute Gardasil, the only vaccine mandated by FDA to prevent cervical cancer. With such exclusive rights and monopoly, there is an understanding that should the government make it mandatory to vaccinate all schoolgirls in their sixth grade, Merck stands to reap huge profits. It hence would not be farfetched and off the mark to argue that Merck’s move to lobby and urge the government to legislate on the vaccine was not driven by health considerations but purely by the desire and the need to increase their sales. The National Vaccine Information Centre has also managed to bring out an important point in its criticism of the vaccine. National Vaccine Information Center is a non profit oriented body that has invested heavily on informing and educating the public on the negative sides of vaccinations. The organization noted that Gardasil injections may have adverse effects that may require medical attention. This also brings an important point in the criticism of the vaccine. The vaccine has only been in the market for only a few months, a short period of time to judge the impact that it could have on the bid to curb cervical cancer. Judicial Watch, a non governmental organization purporting to check government corruption sued the United States Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) for licensing the use of a vaccine whose side effects and other impacts have not been thoroughly established. Judicial Watch claims that there have been â€Å"1824 reports of adverse reactions to the vaccination for the Human Papillomavirus (HPV)† it further claims that there have been so far eight deaths that have been directly attributed to the vaccine (Judicial Watch). It is essential to appreciate the efforts played by the Food and Drug Administration, but it would be imprudent not to criticize any move that would make it mandatory to vaccine school girls, understanding the risks that this could be putting them into. The adverse effects revealed by health experts in regard to the vaccine are a powerful indicator that there is a need to be either halt the vaccine or regulate it. There are a number of criticisms that have been leveled against the vaccine especially centering on its said efficiency. The proponents of the HPV vaccine claim that the vaccine has ability to 100 percent curb over 70 % incidents of cervical cancer. There is still a knowledge gap that exists in this. Experts opposed to the vaccine have brought up important points that cannot be ignored. One of the points made is that it is not possible to establish whether there will develop a new strain of HPV that will be resistant to the vaccine. The compatibility of the vaccine to other immunizations has also not been established. Key to note here is that the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine has not been appropriately established. The argument that stands in this is that that the vaccine was not fully tested on the young girls and that the tests conducted on the adults were assumed to apply to the young girls’ scenario.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Proponents of the vaccine insist that there are no conducted studies on the claim that the vaccine can in any way lead to the increase in promiscuous behaviors in the vaccinated girls. Though this is an argument that may hold some water, it is important to note that there is no study that has been conducted proving otherwise. It has to be understood that making it mandatory for sixth grade to be vaccinated will create a false notion that they are secure and are protected from other sexually transmitted diseases. This is a likely scenario considering the haste with which the vaccine has been carried out disregarding the need for adequate education and the need to emphasize on the importance of abstinence. Works Cited Rob Stein. Cervical Cancer Vaccine Gets Injected With a Social Issue Some Fear a Shot For Teens Could Encourage Sex. Washington Post. October 31, 2005; Page A03. Retrieved on June 2, 2008 from  Ã‚  Ã‚ USA TODAY .Texas governor orders anti-cancer vaccine for schoolgirls Updated 2/2/2007. Retrieved on June 2, 2008 from Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch Uncovers New FDA Records Detailing Deaths in 1,824 Adverse Reaction Reports Related to HPV Vaccine. 2007. Retrieved on June 2, 2008 from Peto, J; C Gilham, O Fletcher, FE Matthews. The cervical cancer epidemic that screening has prevented in the UK.. Lancet 364 . 2004; 49-56 Lowy and Schiller .Prophylactic human papillomavirus vaccines. Journal of Clinical Investigation . 116 (5);2006 , 7 -16 American Cancer Society .Detailed Guide: Cervical Cancer What Are the Key Statistics About Cervical Cancer? Retrieved on June 2, 2008 from Laurie Elit, and Jean Chamberlain Froese. Womens Health in the Majority World: Issues and Initiatives. Nova Publishers. 2007; 23- 34

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Death and Suicide in Hamlet by William Shakespeare Essay -- remarriage,

Suicide, originating from the Latin phrase sui cadere, â€Å"to kill oneself†, is one of the top leading causes of death worldwide. Every year, more than a million people commit suicide, successfully ending whatever feelings of despair, pressure, or suffering they felt when alive. Yet statistics show that the number of nonfatal suicide attempts exceeds that of actual completed suicides. Failed attempts of taking one’s own life reveal the deep, undermining uncertainties humans have about death. Such inquiries as to whether life or death is better stream into human perception. Fear of the unknown often paralyzes the courses of action one sets out to accomplish. Likewise, fear of death and the afterlife frequently results in people postponing death, allowing their misery and pain to continue. Death hovers in the minds of humans both consciously and unconsciously leading them to pursuit after the countless ambiguities and mysteries surrounding life, existence, and the world . So common are the thoughts and questions revolving around life and death that several writers infuse them heavily as themes in the plots of their literary works. One of the most prominent examples of the pondering of life versus death occurs in a soliloquy in Hamlet, where the crown prince of Denmark acknowledges the option of suicide to end his agony. Hamlet’s contemplation of pros and cons between life and death in Shakespeare’s highly acclaimed tragedy unveils to the reader profound insight on Hamlet’s character and personality, the links between thought and action, and the ambiguities of life. After the death of his father, Hamlet falls into a state of depression. Mourning in bitter sorrow, Hamlet reacts negatively to the quick remarriage of his mother, the que... ...many known historical figures including Mark Antony, Cleopatra of Egypt, Virginia Woolf, Adolf Hitler, Ernest Hemingway, and Vincent van Gogh have taken their own lives. Radical changes have occurred to shift and change not only people’s social and moral values, but political and religious values as well. As suicide to Christians was once looked down upon as a sin, the increased rate of suicide today, signifies a loss in strength of strict, persistent, and traditional ideology. More and more people wonder about the enigmas of existence, life, and death but fewer and fewer are willing to endure the sufferings in life to postpone the fear accompanying death. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. â€Å"The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark† Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. Ed. Edgar V. Roberts. 9th Ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2009. Print

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Human Resource Is the Most Important Asset of an Organization

Nowadays many organizations like to emphasize on gaining a competitive advantage in the market. The advance equipments, new technology, good marketing strategic, excellent customer services and many other elements can be the factors to build up for the advantages. However, human resource is still the most important element to determining the success or failure of an organization. Without their support, the organization daily business function will not be done well and ready. Human resource is always related to one organization profitability and their ability cannot be replaced by machines. As is discussed by Hargreaves and Jarvis (1998: 3) The skills, knowledge and experience of each individual contribute to the growth of organizations, communities and nations. Such valuable human talent can be thought of in terms of human capital and is one of the primary requirements for national economic development. 138 Strategic human resource management is playing an important role as organization development in today’s competitive market. Organizations recognise the importance of focusing on the human factor to contribute ideas in order to improve the productivity. They design the recruiting plan to approach talent peoples, training and develop them in order to perform those competencies. The organization put in affords to meet the expectation of the employees so that create a workplace atmosphere among the employees (Upson, 2011). Ironically, while human resources are the most important asset in an organization, they are also the cost involved during the training activity. As is stated by Outlow (1998), the organization suffers the cost if they employed the wrong candidate for the job. Such costs can be calculated in direct and hidden cost. Direct cost can be considered as recruitment advertisement, conduct new training for new staffs, medical check up and so on. Also, the company will found the hidden cost in such that way of lower morale among old employees. Some of the organization will try to approach the peoples which are lack of working experience and not qualified enough as required for the job, here may cause some of the clients lost their loyalty towards the organization due to the poor customer services. Therefore, the organization must be smart to engage, select and retain the talented employees in order to maintain the organization productivity. 228 Human resource development programs always contribute a lot of benefits to the organization. George and Singh (2000 :14) defines The role of human resource development is provide the individual with the learning experience necessary to fill the gap in an employee’s knowledge and skill, to ensure his continued ability to perform efficiently and effectively in his job, and thereby contribute to the productivity of the organization. Since it has been note the major factor affecting the organization productivity is the human factor, many organizations willingness to invest human resources development program in the areas of communication skills, problem solving ability, leadership qualities, creativity and others related skills. Employees are able to obtained new skills and knowledge in the training programs in order to contribute to the organisational development such as productivity improvement, preparation for organization’s growth, developing the learning culture and so on. The effectiveness of the training programs can evaluate and monitor regularly in order to increase the employee performance and thereby increase the productivity. Therefore, trainer who has to decide how to choose and manage the trainees, assist them in learning new skills and also develop their personality by change the trainee’s behaviour. 160 Organizations always encounter many challenges to retain those valuable employees. They always spent plenty of times to deal with employees who have intention to leave their job position. In fact, management should find out the causes what makes the employees feel satisfied about their job. The result is not only reduces employee turnover, but also greater commitment to the organization and the job they are doing. Every employee have different goals and motivation for work, the organizations must understand what employees really needs and wants and implement the strategies in order to retain the resources. Sirota et al (2005) mentioned the employees have their basic human needs that management should work for it. Creating an environment in which all requires are met not only can satisfied the employees but also enthusiastic them. Also, creating a financial package with good remuneration can attracts and motivates the employees is essential for stable workforce. A happy and healthy workplace makes the employee satisfaction increased and come out the high productivity. Always keep them happy and engaging them, allow them growing in the organization. Another key point to retain the talents which is maintains the good relationship with employee by communication. This theory holds that always create an opportunity to open and begin the conversation with the employees. This will helps to promote the proactive solutions to the problems before it reach a critical level cause an employee to consider leaving Sirota et al (2005). From the proper conversation between management and the employees, the organization in-house policies and regulations can comprehensively understand by the employees to ensure their compliance. These practices benefit both the organization and also employees. Phoenix(2010) noted that organization enjoys best performances of their employees while the employees enjoy the great benefits received from the company. 240 Every business begins from sales to customer service, it is all depends on employees to functional. Marcus (2010) mentioned, employee empower the business to keep running as usual even though the management is away. The organization can become more productivity and effectiveness if the employees have been sufficiently motivated and well trained (Rouda and Jr, 1995). Human resources really give a great impact to the contribution of an organization performance. They are the one who make things happen, that is the reason stated that human resource is the most important assets in an organization as they are the competitive weapon for a growing business in current competitive market.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Stereotypes: Perception and Globally Connected World

Persuasive Essay: Stereotypes exist because they are grounded in truth The term stereotype has been derived from the Greek words â€Å"stereos† and â€Å"typos† meaning solid and impression respectively. Hence stereotype means â€Å"solid impression† (Henry George). Nowadays this term refers to generalizations or assumptions that people make about the characteristics of all members of a group based on an image of what people in that group are like. For example, black people are considered stronger than white people, Americans are considered friendly, tolerant but arrogant. Clearly these are assumptions and generalizations which are not applicable to everyone. If we just assume what a person is like and don’t judge them individually we are likely to make errors in estimating their characters (Stereotypes). There has been a lot of debate on this topic that stereotypes exist because they are grounded in truth. Although supporters of this view base their argument on the inherent nature of the people and how these stereotypes didn’t just come out of nowhere they fail to take into account the other side. Media, educational institutes and science can show why such stereotypes exist and that they are not based on truth. One of the dominant reasons of majority’s belief in stereotypes is the existence of an influential media that shapes the perceptions of this globally connected world. It indoctrinates the dominant views of the society into the minds of people. An example would be the Muslims image as seen in the west today. This stereotype regarding this that all Muslims are terrorists became prevalent in the west after the 9/11 incident and the media is directly responsible for this. After this incident a number of movies have been made which portrayed Muslims as terrorists and considering the amount of people who watch these movies, it becomes evident that such a stereotype is likely to be engrained in their minds. Besides, there are several other stereotypes promoted by media which have plagued the human society. Cartoon movies thoroughly enjoyed by children are full of stereotypes. For example the movie Cinderella reinforces the evil character of stepmother as is generally perceived. In Lady and the tramp, Siamese cats negatively portray Asians with heavy voices and odd accents, Arabs are shown as thieves and bad people as in the famous movie Aladdin

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Why making a lot of money won’t necessarily make you happy

Why making a lot of money won’t necessarily make you happy A number that has been thrown around in recent years as the ideal salary to aim for is $75,000. Economist  Angus Deaton and psychologist  Daniel Kahneman performed a study in 2010 where they determined that it doesn’t matter now much more than this magic salary number you earn- your happiness and satisfaction levels won’t noticeably increase. Why wouldn’t earning in the six figures make life absolutely fulfilling? Well, it turns out: money isn’t everything. There are plenty of other factors that affect your life satisfaction in any given job.Here are a few reasons why salary doesn’t necessarily correlate with happiness.Career success doesn’t always mean more money.Very often what makes a person happy is the ability to do what they do well and to gain influence, recognition, and job security. Success can mean rising to manage teams or organizations, making an impact, feeling valued in a crucial role for a company, or just knowing that the future is stable. None of these happiness factors necessarily require a high salary.Experiences matter.It’s not all about earning and spending, either. Sometimes job satisfaction results from meeting daily challenges head on, or simply trying and learning new things. Jobs that are not satisfying beyond pay day will leave people who crave these more elusive factors feeling empty. Though money can help you buy things in your free time, you won’t be able to enjoy those things without any free time. A career with a punishing schedule certainly won’t allow you the time for many of the experiences outside of the office that constitute a fulfilling life.People often make the job.If you thrive on collaborative environments, client-based work, or sales teams, then a job that lacks human interaction can leave you feeling isolated no matter how much it pays. Interacting with other humans is one of those crucial things that help us to feel human, though some people require this more than others.You have to do what suits you.Similarly, if you’re a traditional person, you won’t be happy in a well paying gig that thrives on innovation and busting up the status quo. If you’re into science, tech, or data- hard facts and numbers- you won’t do well in a creative gig. If you require the freedom to be creative, you should not languish in a job that requires stifling your most genius ideas.You might thrive on doing good, not making more.If you’re an altruistic sort who really needs to make a positive difference in the world, you’d probably hate a high-power, high-paying job that doesn’t serve anything but a few corporate interests and your bank account. A job that allows you to make the world a better place will be infinitely more fulfilling than one that simply earns you a higher salary.Oversatisfaction isn’t all that great.If you deny yourself nothing and give yourself all the best of everything all the time- the best food, the finest clothes, the biggest house, the nicest travel perks, the fanciest car- then you’ll lose touch with the simpler pleasures in life. Stuff, especially nice stuff, can be a powerful addiction. But it won’t necessarily make your life a happier one. Being realistic about what is really valuable to you will help you choose the career that best suits you.Constant chasing isn’t fun.On a similar note, if your days are just spent trying to make more to be able to afford this or that,  chances are you will feel empty in the long run. Ask yourself this tough question: When will you be done and able to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor? If the answer is something close to â€Å"never,† it might be time to consider a career change, even if you haven’t reached your goal yet. After all, pie-in-the-sky goals will never improve your life if you are miserable during the long process of fulfilling them. Be happy now in a care er that truly satisfies you.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Nypros Innovation Strategy

Nypros Innovation Strategy Executive Summary The success of Nypro can be attributed to its innovativeness, internal competition between teams, and customer focus. Its production strategy is built on strong customer alliances. Gordon Lankton’s internal market approach contributed greatly to Nypro’s earlier success and innovativeness.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nypro’s Innovation Strategy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Novaplast technology presents the firm with an opportunity to grow its market share and remain competitive. However, the implementation of this technology in Nypro’s plants requires a careful assessment. This paper analyzes Nypro’s innovation model and evaluates the factors behind its success. Introduction Modern technology has transformed the business landscape by providing solutions to production and managerial challenges. For a multinational firm, improving productivity and human re source practices through technology requires huge financial investments and changes in the management structure. In this regard, the way a firm reacts to technology depends on the impact of the innovation on its management structure and organizational culture. Nypro’s case underscores the role innovation plays in business growth. Its business strategy enabled team leaders to identify and implement innovations that improved the firm’s performance. Innovative Critical Thinking Innovation management helps guide an organization’s utilization of technology in a way that translates to good outcomes. It requires a careful analysis of the business environment in order to identify a business model for commercializing the innovation (Chesbrough, 2005). Due to rapid technological developments, firms often embrace continuous innovation to keep abreast with advances in the industry. The open innovation model, as opposed to the traditional approach, allows companies to adapt new technologies developed by others. Under this model, a firm can license its technology to others, but retain the intellectual property rights. A firm can benefit from RD by adopting the technology or licensing it to players in different markets (Glor, 2001). Nypro’s innovation model involves two strategies. First, decisions made by senior managers are communicated to others (teams) who implement them. Second, innovators within the firm develop technologies independently and inform the managers. These internal venture groups identify new opportunities in the firm’s innovation process.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Besides the people within a firm, the adoption of technology by a firm depends on its target customers. Consumers adopt new products at different rates and thus, can influence the success of an innovation. For instance, innovators and ea rly adopters purchase new products at the first instance and even participate in product development, while the laggards first exhaust traditional alternatives before purchasing innovative products (Gorchels, 2011). In Nypro’s case, Lankton believed that the â€Å"low-volume, high mix market† would adopt Nypro’s technology at a high rate, but the high-volume (battery liners) firms turned out to be its prime market (Christensen Voorheis, 1998, p. 6). Nypro’s Innovation Alliances and Changes SWOT Analysis Strengths ‘Free market’ model that inspires innovations leading to improved performance. This model coupled with Nypro’s strategy of recognizing and rewarding innovators fosters initiative and creativity within the firm Customer-focused design – Nypro involves customers in product development. This ensures that products meet customer needs and preferences Better plant coordination – Lankton coordinates all the activities in the firm, including information exchanges and technology absorption. This ensures that operations are integrated and harmonious Global focus – Nypro has several manufacturing plants spread in different countries. This strategy allows the firm to produce products suited for various markets Weaknesses Slower technology adoption – Under the free market model, each plant adopts a new technology when it finds it convenient to do so. Thus, innovations cannot be adopted in a top-down fashion across all plants Limited flexibility – Nypro’s current equipment is less flexible, i.e., changes requested by a customer cannot be made after production has started Slower turnaround time – The current technologies at Nypro have a slower turnaround time leading to delays. However, the Novaplast technology will increase the rate of production Limited ability to prototype particular molds – Complex prototypes requested by customers take time to model Oppo rtunities Global markets – Nypro’s decentralized production gives it access to various markets globally A broad clientele – Nypro can expand its client base in the healthcare, automotive, telecommunications, and electronic industries. Currently, the firm serves over fifty corporations specializing in various industries (Christensen Voorheis, 1998) Technology development – Nypro’s internal market model spurs innovation within the firm. Technologies such as Novaplast promise to improve product quality and reduce the cost of production leading to improved performance Threats External competition – Competition in the molding industry is intense. Other industry players, such as Hoffer Plastics and Deswell, invest heavily in technology in a bid to topple Nypro from the market leadership position High customer demand – Nypro’s slower turnaround time means that products may not be made on time for the high volume market. Nypro risk s losing its clients to rivals with better technology Loss of prototypes – Rival firms can copy and produce Nypro’s products in case of loss of patents Internal rivalry – The internal market model may stifle innovation if information sharing is not encouraged PERT Analysis Program The internal market model at Nypro facilitates information exchange between departments It involves regular information dissemination and continuous product improvement Evaluation New technologies are evaluated by Lankton and the plant managers before adoption Review Project teams and customers participate in product review Technique Standardized practices, technology, and customer-involvement Case Analysis Questions Nypro’s success is largely attributable to its internal market model of innovation. The firm saw internal competition as a source of innovation and performance improvement. Nypro used a set of standardized questions to rank teams based on their performance statistics over time. Based on demand trends, the firm shifted to the high-volume market to supply plastic parts to large corporations in need of molding services. Nypro employed the internal market model to revolutionize its production processes, differentiate its products, and ensure quality for its customers. Under this model, the plants competed against one another in terms of reduced production costs and improved product quality. Because of the internal market model, new technologies were adopted in molding (production), visual factory design, MRP2 systems, and product quality (Christensen Voorheis, 1998). 2. Lankton allowed plant managers to nurture competitive innovations in the firm. The managers and the project leaders had a role of generating and implementing innovations that are cost-effective and profitable.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nypro’s Innovation Strategy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Lankton ensured that the internal market remains competitive and robust through an interlinked management structure involving board directors. He also organized regular forums where the management met and disseminated information regarding new technologies. This facilitated the diffusion of new technologies within the company. 3. In the writer’s view, the Novaplast technology should be implemented in one plant, as a pilot project. The decision is based on the rationale that Nypro’s current customers may need products that need this machine. Thus, customer orders can be used to assess the cost-effectiveness of this innovation over the other technologies. Alternatively, the machine can be used to make products that are currently on the order list. Costs related to shipment and logistics can then be evaluated to determine whether deploying the machines to other plants is cost-effective. Conclusion Nypro’s case shows how effective managerial strategies nurture i nnovation and business performance. In particular, the internal free market nurtured a thriving innovation process within the firm. Under this model, Nypro has been able to generate technologies that have enabled the firm to compete effectively in the industry. Appendix SWOT Analysis Strengths Biggest non-automotive plastic molder Global presence; present in eight countries with 21 plants strategic alliances with clients world-class technology strong decentralization strategy Weaknesses its equipment have limited flexibility to meet customer needs slower turnaround of molds Limited ability to prototype particular molds Opportunities Global markets and industries Internal competition will promote technology development Threats Rival companies High customer demand loss of prototypes References Chesbrough, H. (2005). Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting  from Technology. Watertown, Massachusetts. Harvard Business Review Press.Advertisin g Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Christensen, C. Voorheis, R. (1998). Managing Innovation at Nypro, Inc. Harvard  Business School, 9(67), 1-14. Glor, E. (2001). Key Factors influencing Innovation in Government. The Innovation  Journal, 6(2), 74-82. Gorchels, L. (2011). The Product Managers Handbook: The Complete Product  Management Resource. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Learn the Types of Chemical Formulas

Learn the Types of Chemical Formulas A chemical formula is an expression that states the number and type of atoms present in a molecule of a substance. The type of atom is given using element symbols. The number of atoms is indicated by a subscript following the element symbol. Chemical Formula Examples There are six C atoms and 14 H atoms in a hexane molecule, which has a molecular formula of: C6H14 The chemical formula of table salt or sodium chloride is: NaCl There are one sodium atom and one chlorine atom in each molecule. Note there is no subscript for the number 1. Types of Chemical Formulas While any expression that cites the number and kind of atoms is a chemical formula, there are different types of formulas, including molecular, empirical, structure, and condensed chemical formulas. Molecular Formula Also known as the true formula, the molecular formula states the actual number of atoms of the elements in a single molecule. For example, the molecular formula of the sugar glucose is: C6H12O6 Empirical Formula The empirical formula is the simplest ratio of the whole number of elements in a compound. It gets its name because it comes from experimental or empirical data. Its sort of like simplifying mathematical fractions. Sometimes the molecular and empirical formula are the same, such as H2O, while other times the formulas are different. For example, the empirical formula of glucose is: CH2O This is obtained by dividing all of the subscripts by the common value (6, in this case). Structural Formula Although the molecular formula tells you how many atoms of each element are present in a compound, it does not indicate the way the atoms are arranged or bonded to each other. A structural formula shows the chemical bonds. This is important information because two molecules may have shared the same number and type of atoms yet are isomers of each other. For example, ethanol (grain alcohol people can drink) and dimethyl ether (a toxic compound) share the same molecular and empirical formulas. There are different types of structural formulas, too. Some indicate the two-dimensional structure, while others describe the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms. Condensed Formula One particular variation of an empirical or structural formula is the condensed formula. This type of chemical formula is a sort of shorthand notation. The condensed structural formula may omit the symbols for carbon and hydrogen in the structure, simply indicating the chemical bonds and formulas of functional groups. The written condensed formula lists the atoms in the order in which they appear in the molecular structure. For example, the molecular formula of hexane is: C6H14 However, its condensed formula is: CH3(CH2)4CH3 ï » ¿This formula not only provides the number and type of atoms but also indicates their position in the structure.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Adult Learners in Higher Education and Training Essay

Adult Learners in Higher Education and Training - Essay Example Therefore, contract learning aims at assigning more learning input from student rather than making learning teacher centered. Knowles further notes that the use of contract learning will help solve some learning problems by reducing the wide different gap between different learning groups among the adult learners. The essence of the learning contract is because learning institutions often receive people or learners from different backgrounds, with varied interest, previous experiences, lifestyle, learning styles, learning speeds, and outside commitments. Knowles noted that didactic is the sure way to all these interests since this teaching will aim at the middle (Knowles, 1986). Notably, concentrating at the middle will pull students at the lower end towards the middle so that they are not left far behind and those at the top will not be extremely bored. The contract learning is to assist student structure their own learning towards meeting the learning or educational needs (Knowles, 1995). Developing learning contract often requires a sense of cognitive and personal learning styles. There is also need for the teacher to diagnose his or her personal learning needs in relation to what the students need. This will also help in projecting the expectation at the end of the learning contract. Finally, there is a need for the teacher for formulate specific objects to be accomplished after the learning contract. Knowles, M. S. (1995).  Designs for adult learning: Practical resources, exercises, and course outlines from the father of adult learning. Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development

Friday, October 18, 2019

Non Profit Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Non Profit Interview - Essay Example These most important, full-service healthiness care distributors are accountable for making sure that billions of components of prescription are securely distributed to the representatives of retail pharmacies, treatment habitats, treatment centers and contributors in all 50 states. HDMA together with the associates are the essential connection in the healthcare scheme that is accountable for medication security, excellence, reliability and accessibility within the market. In the course of management on public guiding principle and industry best performance, the organization together with its member's center on providing worth, eliminating expenses and increasing inventive resolution to bring care carefully and efficiently. In this particular work, we are going to major in the roles and the contribution of the organization to the society, this will be as regard to the interviews that were carried out in the organization. It will mainly focus on the views of the interviewees and will be based on their organization together with their roles in the society. These organizations are placed in the society strategically so as to have a positive impact in the community. Within the interview carried out, one of the interviewee, Tirza Niemann says that the sectors are established so that it can enable the adult to obtain education (Hodgkinson pg 255). This is as they do provide the facilities of the education within their organization. This is seen among the members of the meetings, marketing and education section in the healthcare organization found in the Washington D.C in the metro area. With this, it is clear that other than just distributing the health care products to the retailers, the organization also has a section from which they have organized to at least provide education to the adults. This is the type of the education that is given to the individuals of whom were late for their studies in their respective stages. Thus, the organization facilitates their progression of the education in such a manner that they are either full or p artially sponsored to pursue with their education in their respective stages and fields. This is usually done by the use of the seminars or even webinars. Other than giving the financially disabled people the opportunity to proceed with their education, they also offer some of the training to the ones of whom are not good in the paper works. With this, they do provide the technical trainings such as the mechanics or the tailoring training for the ones who did not qualify for their next stage but rather they need something that will help them to attain their living. According to Linda Coporaletti Hoyt who is a director in the administration and human resource section in the HDMA organization, says that the non profit sector is entitled to expose the members of whom worker in the organization in such away that they can be able to perform in any field that it is represented to them. To attain this, the members in the organization are forced to volunteer some of their time to participate in the committee organized by the organization. Other than that, the organization are set to ensure that the members in the society are well enlightened with the commodity that they are providing to them as this will enable

Write summery about what these websites are about Annotated Bibliography

Write summery about what these websites are about - Annotated Bibliography Example and Northern Development Canada that was first called Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) is discriminating in fairly providing funds for children of aboriginal reserves. They also claim that the children are also being denied to welfare benefits of reserves. . It is not only about the indigenous children who are suffering at the hands of government but there are other issues like water crisis and more than 582 indigenous women murdered and missing but no action has been taken so far by the Canadian government. That’s why, the society has sued against the INAC for showing this acute prejudice. The plea has been filed to Canadian Human rights commission alleging that the federal government has differentiated between the children of first nations and those originally from Canada on racial basis. Â  The society and INAC worked for several years to eliminate inequality but all efforts by society went to vain as the federal government did not show any response to efforts done so far but failed badly to develop solutions to redress inequalities among children on racial basis. Canadian Human Rights Commission found in 1977, is an autonomous government body that deals with the Canadian Human Rights Act. The Canadian commission has the right to investigate complaints filed on racial and discriminatory basis under federal jurisdiction and also has jurisprudence to hear the cases filed in favour of children on reserves of first nations. The society has also filed another plea to the commission in 2010, accusing that the Aboriginal and INAC are not only prejudiced against the children of first nations but they have racist attitudes against the FNCFC society too as they excluded the society’s executive director, Cindy Blackstock from the meetings aimed at development of first nations. The society has accused that the handling of society’s members by INAC has been ridiculous so far and was based on retaliation. The commission later on directed the case to the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Taxation, Pensions, and the Issues Associated the Social Security Research Paper

Taxation, Pensions, and the Issues Associated the Social Security Trust Fund - Research Paper Example The fact of the matter is that the Social Security Trust Fund is comprised of two separate funds. The first of these is of course the OASI Trust Fund (Old Age and Survivors Insurance Fund); whereas the second is that of the DI Fund (Disability Fund) (Shelton, 2008). Whereas the first fund is the one that is of course the largest and is most referenced within the media and concerns over budgeting etc, the second one is lesser known and is primarily responsible for providing payments to those individuals who had been working at one point but due to injury or illness are no longer capable of performing work. Combined, both programs owe the American people approximately 2.93 trillion dollars as of the end of 2011 (Papps, 2012). The number in and of itself is but a snapshot of current obligations and as such cannot be viewed as a means of seeking to understand the level to which the program will be able to handle changes in economics or the retirement of subsequent generations. The unfortunate fact of the situation is that the social security program itself is suffering from what many have called an eventual and sustained death. Due to the fact that the government has mismanaged the situation with Social Security for such a longer period of time, short-sightedly borrowing from it at every available instance, the level to which the program can sustain itself and continue to cover the liabilities that it necessarily engenders is not projected to take place long after the year 2030 (Quirk, 2003).

Southern California Edison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Southern California Edison - Essay Example Based in Rosemead, California, the company was founded in the year 1886 by the name Holt & Knupps. They were "primarily a provider of street lights" then. (About, par.1) Later, in 1897, West Side Lighting Co. and Los Angeles Electric Co. merged to form Edison Electric Co. of Los Angeles. The company changed its name to Southern California Edison in 1909. Today's Southern California Edison is a 122 years old company, "serving more than 13 million people", (EI 1, par.1) providing reliable electric service covering more than "50,000 square miles" (EI 1, par.1) of central, coastal and central southern California, "employing more than 15,500 employees", (SCE 1, par.7) While going through the news releases of SCE, one happens to come across this recent article about "Safe holiday lighting tips."(EI 2, par.4) saying "As the excitement of the season sets in with decorative displays, many people are inadvertently exposed to a greater safety risk of becoming the victim of a fire or electrical accident, such as shock or electrocution." And the rest is about safety measures and light saving tips. It sounded more like an advisory. After going through it, one gets the feeling that they have written it less out of concern for their customers and more out of concern about the 'blame' people would put on their head in case if something went wrong and even if it wasn't their fault. Not without a reason, since I came across another article in Los Angeles Times which said "Power lines are the suspected culprits behind 12 major fires destroyed 1041 homes and killed two people." (Mozingo, par.1) Somehow, I feel, this is another typical case of strained relations between a 'big' company not being able to keep 'all' its customers happy. A common observation involving monopoly businesses. Suppliers: Like every other 'big' company, SCE manages its suppliers in a very systematic manner. SCE requires vendors for various purposes like managing scrap, meter data management, managing its ERP, energy procurement (natural gas and whole sale electric supplies), various materials, etc. One remarkable feature is that it does its energy efficiency program jointly with other utility companies viz. Pacific Gas and Electric Company and San Diego Gas and Electric Company. As such, vendors for efficient energy management are evaluated jointly. One very optimistic feature is SCE's active encouragement for renewable and alternative power generation. In fact, it has a special power contracting option for smaller biomass generators so as to contribute towards California's renewable energy as well as environmental goals. Competitors: Until California's rush into energy deregulation in 1996, SCE had a tightly regulated but a 'natural' monopoly. Though it was intended to move towards a less regulated energy market so as to decrease the cost of electricity by fostering competition among producers, its practical effect has been divestment of generation facilities by utility companies. SEC is the primary electric supplier for much of Southern California. However, the Los Angeles

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Taxation, Pensions, and the Issues Associated the Social Security Research Paper

Taxation, Pensions, and the Issues Associated the Social Security Trust Fund - Research Paper Example The fact of the matter is that the Social Security Trust Fund is comprised of two separate funds. The first of these is of course the OASI Trust Fund (Old Age and Survivors Insurance Fund); whereas the second is that of the DI Fund (Disability Fund) (Shelton, 2008). Whereas the first fund is the one that is of course the largest and is most referenced within the media and concerns over budgeting etc, the second one is lesser known and is primarily responsible for providing payments to those individuals who had been working at one point but due to injury or illness are no longer capable of performing work. Combined, both programs owe the American people approximately 2.93 trillion dollars as of the end of 2011 (Papps, 2012). The number in and of itself is but a snapshot of current obligations and as such cannot be viewed as a means of seeking to understand the level to which the program will be able to handle changes in economics or the retirement of subsequent generations. The unfortunate fact of the situation is that the social security program itself is suffering from what many have called an eventual and sustained death. Due to the fact that the government has mismanaged the situation with Social Security for such a longer period of time, short-sightedly borrowing from it at every available instance, the level to which the program can sustain itself and continue to cover the liabilities that it necessarily engenders is not projected to take place long after the year 2030 (Quirk, 2003).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Liquid Crystal Displays evolution into the future Essay

Liquid Crystal Displays evolution into the future - Essay Example iversity of Illinois argued with concern about the quality of monitors which by then were television sets used within the main computer producing very low quality pictures which were not well defined and difficult to identify the content and, or follow the programs that were being broadcasted (Adee, 2008, p. 81). Due to evolution of large and colored screens, the quality of pictures improved despite the high power consumption which was mainly as a result of large components with respect to the later versions but smaller compared to the older versions respectively, overheating, the quality became poorer afterwards due to constant overheating hence the need for a different screen monitor with better resolutions to help solve the problems that they had experienced previously with the cathode Ray Tube screens as well (Bellis, 2007, p. 37). This concern led to invention of LCD technology. The term â€Å"plasma† was used in regard to the technology because the pixels that enhance screen resolution depended on plasma cells. A plasma screen is a typical display panel contains millions of tiny plasma cells in compartmentalized spaces between two glass panels which when energized reflects light that focuses on the screen to create a field of view (Delepierre et., al, 2006, p. 30). LCD- This is a fourth state of matter after solid, liquid and gaseous states, which contains definite number of electrically charged particles. However, the interaction between the neutral particles and the charged particles plays a major role in determining the usefulness and the behavior of plasma. As the energized electrons move and vibrate between the two glasses, some of the electrons strike mercury particles moving through the plasma which increases surface area for the energy level in the molecules (Chemistry, 2011, p. 27). Each pixel in a plasma display comprises of three primary colors namely blue, red and green with respect to the IEE regulations, the voltage signal variations within

Marty King Essay Example for Free

Marty King Essay Erik Erikson had numerous contributions to the field of psychology; many of which involved his developmental theory. Erikson has been compared to Sigmund Freud; as both men believed that humans develop in stages. Erikson however, believed Freud to be misguided, as Erikson believed that developmental process is one which occurs throughout one’s lifespan; whereas Freud believed that a human’s personality developed by the age of five (Chen, 2007). Erikson published numerous books on human development; as well as issues including the generation gap, changing sexual roles and racial tensions. This quantitative research paper however, discusses Erikson’s eight stages of development and how each stage correlates with symptoms of borderline personality disorder. Each of Erikson’s eight developmental stages consists of certain elements (crises), which if not resolved will result in negative outcomes. The researcher believes that when crises are not resolved within Erikson’s developmental stages, it predisposes individuals to borderline personality disorder. In order to prove this hypothesis, the researcher will conduct quantitative research on the causes and symptoms of borderline personality disorder and the negative outcomes of Erikson’s eight developmental stages; the phenomenological research will then be compared. Borderline personality disorder has been widely studied over the past several decades; however, there is limited research on what childhood (birth to age eighteen) attributes contribute to the onset of BPD. Approximately two percent (up to ten million) of adults in the U. S. are diagnosed with BPD; accounting for twenty percent of psychiatric hospitalizations (NIMH, 2008); many cases of BPD go undiagnosed. Genetic factors have been primarily studied in the past as the biological cause of BPD; however recent research shows that forty to seventy-one percent of BPD patients were sexually abused as children (NIMH, 2008), approximately seventy-three percent report physical abuse and emotional abuse and neglect are also commonly reported in BPD cases. These statistics indicate that there is reason to believe that childhood trauma could significantly predispose a person to BPD. While research as to the possible causes of BPD has been conducted, the researcher proposes that a quantitative study be conducted in order to collect phenomenological data from various studies, for comparison to Erikson’s eight stages of development. The reason for this strategy is that by comparing the results of numerous studies, the researcher can produce â€Å"the bigger picture†, of what predisposes individuals to BPD; thus increasing the probability of successful recovery. The researcher chose Erikson’s eight developmental stages as model for comparison because the eight crises depicted in this model demonstrate the traumas indicated in many BPD cases. When the eight crises are not resolved, the results correlate with BPD symptoms. The researcher aims to prove that individuals who do not resolve the eight negative crises of Erikson’s developmental model; thus suffering some form of childhood trauma, are predisposed to BPD as adults. As mentioned previously, the information proving this hypothesis can be used to improve treatment options for BDP patients. The researcher for this study would like to see a reduction in hospitalization as a treatment for BPD patients; and instead implement alternative methods, such as assisting patients through Erikson’s eight stages. Assisting patients through the eight stages will allow them to re-learn emotional skills and abilities; such as coping skills. The researcher’s professional background in BPD clinical work has allowed significant insight into the difficulties of BPD treatment. Due to the immense amount of physical and emotional energy needed to work with BPD patients; many professionals tend to provide affirmation of the history of failure and poor coping skills by treating the patient with sympathy instead of empathy. The researcher believes that understanding the reasoning behind BPD patient behavior will improve the patient’s ability to improve poor coping skills. This change in professional behavior will reduce the feelings of being burnt out and tired because the professional will be able to support the success of the patient instead of doing the work for them. Currently, there is an attitudinal barrier between the professional and the patient which results in a failure to understand the condition of BPD. The researcher hopes to promote an understanding of BPD patient behavior; behaviors which many clinical professionals find exasperating. In increasing understanding of the development of BPD behaviors, clinicians will be better equipped to work with patients in an inclusive partnership rather than feeling they are exceeding appropriate boundaries. Literature Review Erikson’s Eights Stages of Development The â€Å"Eight Stages of Development†, the process of socialization, were developed by Erik Erikson in 1956 (Child Institute Center, n. d. ). Erikson had extensive experience in psychotherapy; including children and teens of all social classes. Erikson believed that each stage presented a â€Å"psychosocial crisis† in which an individual must experience, learn and resolve in order to successfully manage the next step. Erikson’s eight stages are represented in Figure 1. The eight stages are based on the â€Å"interaction of three different systems: the Somatic system, the ego system, and the societal system† (Keenan, p. 22, 2002). The somatic system refers to the biological processes of human functioning. The ego system are the central thinking and reasoning processes (2002); and the societal system is the process an individual goes through as he becomes integrated into his society. Erikson believed that the eight stages occurred in order and each stage represented a crisis which had to be resolved by the individual. Whether the crisis was completed successfully or not would be the deciding factor on how successful the next stage would be. If the crisis was not mastered, then the individual would be ill prepared to deal with the next stage of development; this trend would continue throughout all the stages. Erikson did believe that the eight stages were relevant throughout life and that he linked a crisis to each stage because that is when the crisis was most salient (Cohen, 2007). Oral-Sensory Stage. In this first stage (trust/mistrust), the first year of life is defined as the time for building trust; this is accomplished by the infant learning trust through the parent or caregiver’s actions and responses to the infant’s needs. Feeding is the focal point of Erikson’s first stage; when the child cries for food, the parent will feed and comfort the infant. If the child is neglected, he will learn to be mistrustful. Erikson also believed if trust was not established in the first stage, the child could become â€Å"frustrated, withdrawn, suspicious, and will lack self-confidence† (Sharkey, 1997). Muscular-Anal Stage. The second stage (autonomy/doubt) consists of ages one through two years old. During this stage the child is face with the development of self-control which is accomplished by a supportive atmosphere. If basic trust was not developed in stage one, the child will have difficulty in establishing self control in stage two, resulting in a lack of self-esteem (Sharkey, 1997). If the parent is too controlling, or does not provide enough structure the child can become doubtful of himself and the environment around him.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome Genetics

Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome Genetics Progeria is a rare, fatal, sporadic, autosomal dominant syndrome that involves premature aging, generally leading to death at approximately 13 years of age due to myocardial infarction or stroke. The genetic basis of most cases of this syndrome is a change from glycine GGC to glycine GGT in codon 608 of the lamin A (LMNA) gene, which activates a cryptic splice donor site to produce abnormal lamin A; this disrupts the nuclear membrane and alters transcription. Mutations in the Lamin A: To date, models have been proposed to explain how mutations in the lamin A gene could lead to HGPS, structural fragility and altered gene expression. One model links HGPS to stem cell-driven tissue regeneration. In this model, nuclear fragility of lamin A-deficient cells increases apoptotic cell death to levels that exhaust tissues ability for stem cell-driven regeneration. Tissue-specific differences in cell death or regenerative potential, or both, result in the tissue-specific segmental aging pattern seen in HGPS. Children born with HGPS typically appear normal at birth, but within a year they begin to display the effects of accelerated aging. Typical facial features include micrognathia (small jaw), craniofacial disproportion, alopecia (loss of hair), and prominent eyes and scalp veins. Children experience delayed growth and are short in stature and below average weight. Due to a lack of subcutaneous fat, skin appears wrinkled and aged looking. Other key abnormalities include delayed dentition, a thin and high pitched voice, a pyriform (pear-shaped) thorax, and a horse riding stance. As they mature, the disorder causes children to age about a decade for every year of their life. This means that by the age of 10, an affected child would have the same respiratory, cardiovascular, and arthritic conditions as a senior citizen. On average, death occurs at the age of 13. HGPS vs. Inheritance HGPS had been proposed to be a recessive disorder due to observations of affected individuals found in consanguineous families. However, many cases of progeria were also observed in families in which the parents were not related, suggesting sporadic autosomal dominant inheritance, which has been confirmed with the discovery of the causative mutations. Others have reported the presence of various chromosomal abnormalities, such as an inverted insertion in the long arm of chromosome 1, as possible contributing factors to the disease. These cytogenetic clues proved to be critical for discovery of the HGPS gene. HGPS vs. Genetics After many years of appreciating that HGPS was caused by genetic rather than by environmental factors, researchers took the first steps in isolating genetic mutations that cause HGPS. A team centered at the National Human Genome Research Institute in Maryland, under the direction of Francis Collins, initiated their search with a genome-wide scan. Using 403 polymorphic microsatellite markers, the investigators found no evidence of homozygosity in 12 individuals with classical HGPS. However, two individuals showed uniparental isodisomy of chromosome 1q, and one had a 6Mb paternal interstitial deletion in 1q. From this observation, the investigators concluded that the HGPS gene must lie within a 4.82Mb region on chromosome 1q. This region contains approximately 80 known genes, including Lmna. Lmna and Types A-type and B-type lamins (Type V intermediate filaments) are the main components of the nuclear lamina, the innermost layer of the nuclear envelope. The nuclear lamina in mammalian cells is a thin (20-50 nm) protein meshwork that interacts with various proteins and chromatin and is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of the nuclear envelope, the protective barrier between the cytoplasm and nucleus. Cell studies of HGPS patients Immunofluorescence studies with antibodies against lamin A/C were performed using fibroblasts from HGPS subjects and their parents. The results showed structural nuclear abnormalities in 48% of HGPS cells compared with

Saturday, October 12, 2019

All about star wars :: essays research papers

Star Wars, by George Lucas, is an excellent movie. This movie is filled with archetypal and mythic patterns , and the ideas represented in the film are essential ingredients to human emotion . The most obvious idea represented by the movie is religion. Good versus Evil, Light versus Dark, and the Rebels versus the Empire -- these are all spiritual overtones in the elaborate story line. The religious connections become apparent when aspects of the movie are analyzed. Star Wars opens with a deserted desert planet where the viewer is introduced to the main character, Luke Skywalker, and his aunt and uncle. Luke is a young kid who yearns for adventure, he is gifted with a strong grasp of "The Force", a mystical ability to manipulate the environment with one’s mind. At first, Luke is unaware of his gift, and unsure of his beliefs. He is guided by a old wise man named Obi-Wan Kenobi, A once Jedi Knight. Jedi Knights were once the protectors of the galaxy but are all but extinct. Obi-Wan provides guidance for the young Skywalker, teaching him how to use his gift for good. Once Luke lets go of his mental block, and is able to feel the force, Obi-Wan tells him "You've taken your first step into a larger world." The force is a religion that is not only an idea, but seems to have physical properties to it. It's all powerful, like a God, but yet the Jedi have found a way to interact with it. The force is balanced between good and evil, providing room in the galaxy for both. Obi-wan describes the force as "†¦what gives the Jedi his power... It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, it penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together.† Also on the good side of The Force, there are the Rebels, and Princess Leia. It is interesting to note that all of the foot soldiers of the Rebel Alliance wear helmets which are open faced, so that the viewer can see the face of the rebel, and humanize them. Princess Leia represents the damsel in distress that is held captive by the evil lord, Darth Vader. The Princess is dressed in a white gown to show innocence, purity, and truth. There are also characters in Star Wars that are somewhat neutral when it comes to The Force.

Friday, October 11, 2019


Allelopathic potential of crop residues for weed management in wheat under semi-arid conditions of Pakistan Muhammad Ashraf Professor of Agronomy, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. [email  protected] com RATIONALE †¢ Rainfed Wheat- Main winter crop grown by about 80% of the farmers on residual soil moisture, received during monsoon1. †¢ Weeds infestation- a major yield reducing factor (25-30%v); †¢ If weeds are controlled, crop yield can be enhanced by about 37%2. 1 Khaliq et al. , 2007) 2 (Bibi et al. , 2005). Cont†¦..Existing Weed Control systems: †¢ Traditional weed control methods (Hand weeding) are time consuming, weather dependent and labor intensive1 ; + Socio-economic issues:[small land holdings, family size =8, poverty, migration to cities] †¢ Herbicides use is limited in drylands + these are expensive with Environmental hazards2; Reduced Nutritive value of many crops 3 and Herbicide resistance4. 1 (Naveed et al. , 2008) 2 (Mancini et al. , 2008) 3 (Nazarko et al. , 2003). Cont†¦.. †¢ WM programs should focus on environmental safety along with benefits to the farmers. Alternate weed management systems need to be developed aimed to control weeds and raise the income of resource-poor farmers (increased crop yields) without despoiling the natural resource base. ALTERNATE WEED MANAGEMENT OPTIONS †¢ Allelopathy ? a mechanism of plant interference1 is a natural, inexpensive, environmentally safe and an organic approach to control weeds and increase crop yields while conserving the ecosystem2. †¢ Sorghum is highly allelopathic3 †¢ Sorghum residue may be effectively used to manage some of the important weeds in rainfed wheat without affecting crop in semi-arid environment4. (Weston, 2005) 2 (Inderjit and Duke, 2003) 1 (Weston and Duke, 2003) 2 (Inderjit and Duke, 2003) Cont†¦.. †¢ Water Extracts of different plant parts have different allelopathic potential 1. †¢ Sunf lower – possessed weed suppression ability 2 . †¢ The combination of two or more allelopathic aqueous extracts may act synergistically and cause more phyto-toxic effect on weeds 3. †¢ Mixing and applying sunflower and sorghum residue water extract (WE) may increase the spectrum of phytotoxic effects and may result in synergistic phytotoxic influences on weeds growth. 1 (Ben-Hammouda, et al. 001; Chung, et al. , 2003; Roth et al. , 2000) 2 (Bertholdsson, 2004; Singh et al. , 2001 ) 3 (Duke et al. , 2000; Cheema et al. , 2010) Cont†¦.. OBJECTIVES OF RESEARCH Overall objective: Evaluate the use of allelopathic crop residue collected from summer crop plants grown under drought and mineral stress conditions for weed management in wheat in semi-arid areas of Pakistan: Specific Objectives: †¢ Test water extracts (WE)of different plant parts of sorghum residue for weeds suppression in wheat. †¢ Evaluate the effects of sorghum residue mulch and sorghum WE for weed management in wheat. Investigate the influence of sole and combined sorghum and sunflower WE spray on weeds in wheat. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS †¢ Location: Three experiments were conducted at University Research Farm, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan (33o 46 N, 73o 08 E). / / †¢ ~500 m above the sea level †¢ Experimental years: successive Rabi (winter) seasons from 2007-2010. Cont†¦.. †¢ Environmental Characterization: Climate Rainfall and ET o 200 160 Rainfall and ET0 (mm) 160 143 120 ETo 80 40 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Rain 140 121 Mean Monthly Rainfall (mm) 20 100 80 67 60 40 26 57 56 Sever Stress Period 27 21 7 15 39 43 20 0 Month Rainfall Distribution (1977-11) Source: Soil and water conservation Research Institute, Chakwal, Pakistan Growing Season Rainfall Period Monthly rain (mm) Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April Total 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Long-term Av. (1977-07) 0 42 30 0 166 147 14 20 7 15 27 39 56 43 Soil charact eristics †¢ Rawal soil series (Inceptisol-silty-clay-loam, Typic Ustochrept USDA classification and Calcaric Cambisols FAO classification scheme) with †¢ Organic matter 0. 5%. †¢ pH 7. 40 †¢ Ece 3 dSm-1 Cont†¦.. Weed Flora †¢ Anagallis arvensis L. (Blue pimfernal), †¢ Chenopodium album L. (Lambs quarter), †¢ Fumaria indica L. (Fumitory), †¢ Medicago polymorpha L. (Bur clover) †¢ Avena fatua L. (Wild oat), †¢ Convolvulus arvensis L. (Field bindweed), †¢ Medicago denticulata L. (Denticulate Medick), †¢ Rumex dentatus L. (Toothed dock) and †¢ Melilotus indica L. (Sweet clover) The experimental area was free of noxious and perennial weed species. Treatments (Exp-1) †¢ Control (Un-weeded check) WE: Water extract Hand weeding at 60 days after sowing (DAS) †¢ Herbicide (Logron) @ 250 g ha-1 at 60 DAS †¢ Sorghum root WE spray @ 10 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 DAS †¢ Sorghum stem WE spray @ 10 L ha-1 at 60 and 8 0 DAS †¢ Sorghum leaf WE spray @ 10 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 DAS †¢ Sorghum stem + root WE @ 5+5 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 DAS †¢ Sorghum stem + leaf WE @ 5+5 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 DAS †¢ Sorghum root + leaf WE @ 5+5 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 DAS Treatments (Exp-2) WE: Water extract †¢ Control (Un-weeded check) †¢ Hand weeding at 50 and 80 DAS †¢ Sorghum mulch @ 5 Mg ha-1 (Soil incorporated) †¢ Sorghum mulch @ 10 Mg ha-1 Soil incorporated) †¢ Sorghum WE @ 10 L ha-1 at 50 DAS. †¢ Sorghum WE @ 10 L ha-1 at 50 and 80 DAS. †¢ Sorghum WE @ 20 L ha-1 at 50 DAS. †¢ Sorghum WE @ 20 L ha-1 at 50 and 80 DAS Treatments (Exp-3) †¢ Control (Un-weeded check) WE: Water extract †¢ Sunflower WE @ 20 L ha-1 at 50 DAS †¢ Sorghum WE @ 20 L ha-1 at 50 DAS †¢ Sunflower WE + sorghum WE @ 10 +10 L ha-1 at 50 DAS †¢ Sunflower WE @ 20 L ha-1 at 50 and 80 DAS †¢ Sorghum WE @ 20 L ha-1 at 50 and 80 DAS †¢ Sunflower WE + sorghum WE @ 10 + 10 L ha-1 at 50 and 80 DASResearch Methodology: Preparation of water extract †¢ Sunflower and sorghum plants were harvested at maturity, grains were separated and residue was sundried and chaffed with fodder cutter into 2 cm pieces. †¢ Chaffed residue was soaked in de-ionized water in 1:10 (1 kg each of herbage in 10 L of water) in separate containers for 24 h at room temperature to prepare water extract (WE) . †¢ WE from respective containers were obtained by filtering the mixture through a screen. The volume of respective filtrate was reduced twenty times by continuously boiling at 100 0C to prepare water extract (Cheema and Khaliq, 2000). Sowing and cultural practices †¢ Seedbed was prepared by giving four cultivations each followed by planking. †¢ Fertilizer @ 125- kg N and P2O5 ha-1 was applied at the time of seedbed preparation. †¢ Wheat cv. ‘Inqilab-91’ was seeded @125 kg ha-1 was during November with a single row hand drill in ro ws 30 cm apart. Layout design: RCBD with 4R; Eight rows 30 cm apart per treatment were maintained in plot size of 7. 0 x 2. 4 m. †¢ The wheat variety, sowing time, layout plan and other cultural practices were almost same for every year. Measures: Weeds †¢ Weed density †¢ Weed dry weight (biomass) Wheat †¢ Spike length (cm), †¢ Spikelets spike-1 †¢ Grains spike-1 †¢ Fertile tillers m-2 †¢ 1000-grain weight. Statistical analysis The data were subjected to analysis of variance technique. F-statistic was based on residual mean square error.The LSD at 5% level of probability was used for comparison of treatment means (Montgomery, 2001). RESULTS & DISCUSSION Experiment # 1 Phyto-toxic effects of root, stem and leaf water extract of mature sorghum on Weeds density & Dry weight Treatments Control (Un-weeded check) Hand weeding at 60 DAS Exp-1 Weed density ( m-2) 80 DAS 105 DAS Weeds dry weight (g m-2) 80 DAS 105 DAS 147 a 79 d (-46*) 132 a 78 f (-41) 36. 7 g (-72) 102 c (-22) 112 b (-15) 113 b (-14 88 e (-33) 94 de (-29) 102 cd (-23) 8. 52 2 a 12 e (-45) 5. 5 f (-75) 18 cd (-16) 20 b (-8) 20 b (-8) 17 d (-22) 17 cd (-20) 19 bc (-14) 1. 54 27 a 17 e (-38) 8. 77 f (-67) 21 c (-21) 24 b (-11) 23 b (-14) 18 e (-34) 20 d (-27) 27 c (-20) 1. 57 Herbicide (Logron) @ 250 g ha-1 34 e (-77) at 60 DAS Sorghum root WE spray @ 10 L 117 c (-21) ha-1 at 60 and 80 DAS Sorghum stem WE spray @ 10 L 129 b (-12) ha-1 at 60 and 80 DAS Sorghum leaf WE spray @ 10 L 127 b (-14) ha-1 at 60 and 80 DAS Sorghum stem + root [email  protected] 5+5 L 113 c (-23) ha-1 at 60 and 80DAS Sorghum stem + leaf [email  protected] 5+5 L 111 c (-24) ha-1 at 60 and 80 DAS Sorghum root + leaf WE @ 5+ 5 121 bc (-18) L ha-1 60 and 80 DAS LSD (0. 05) 10. 41 * Figures in parenthesis show % decrease in weed density/dry weight compared to control. Effect of root, stem and leaf water extract of mature sorghum on yield components and wheat grain yield Treatments Control (Un- weeded check) Tillers (m-2) Spike length (cm) Spikelet # spike-1 Grains # 1000-Grain spike-1 weight (g) Exp-1Grain yield (T ha-1) 345e Hand weeding at 60 DAS 396b Herbicide (Logron) @ 250 g 427a ha-1 at 60 DAS Sorghum root WE spray @ 10 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 DAS Sorghum stem WE spray @ 10 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 DAS Sorghum leaf WE spray @ 10 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 DAS Sorghum stem + root [email  protected] 5+5 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 DAS Sorghum stem + leaf [email  protected] 5+5 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 DAS Sorghum root + leaf WE @ 5+ 5 L ha-1 60 and 80 DAS LSD (0. 05) 9. 0e 10. 3abcd 11. 2a 10. 0bcde 9. 5de 9. 8cde 10. 9 ab 10. abc 10. 7 abc 1. 03 20. 7 21. 0 20. 9 21. 1 20. 5 21. 1 20. 2 21. 0 20. 2 – 41. 7c 47. 3ab 49. 4a 48. 8ab 47. 3ab 46. 1b 49. 0ab 48. 0ab 48. 0ab 3. 04 32. 5e 33. 7d 34. 6bc 35. 6a 33. 6d 33. 1de 36. 0a 33. 9cd 35. 2ab 0. 90 2. 76f 3. 2bc (+18) 3. 5a (+26) 3. 1cde (+12) 3. 0de 2. 9ef (+8) (+6) 365cde 353de 349e 357de 385bc 376bcd 54. 45 3. 3ab (+20) 3. 3abc (+19) 3. 2bcd (+14) 213. 2 * Figures in parenthesis show % decrease in weed density/dry weight compared to control.FINDINGS FROM EXPERIMENT # 1: †¢ Sorghum stem + root [email  protected] 5+5 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 DAS treatment caused 33% reduction in weed density and dry weight by about; †¢ This reduction was 41% in hand weeding and 72% by the application of Logron @ 250 g ha-1 at 60 DAS †¢ The increase in grain yield in stem + root and stem + leaf WE treatments were statistically same as in hand weeding and herbicide application. Cont†¦.. Experiment # 2 RESULTS & DISCUSSIONFINDINGS FROM EXPERIMENT # 2: †¢ Data showed that incorporation of sorghum herbage mulch @ 10 Mg ha-1 and twotimes sprays of Sorghum water extract @ 20 L ha-1 at 50 and 80 DAS decreased weeds density by about 42%, and weeds dry weight by 34%, respectively compared to control measured at 95DAS. †¢ Maximum increase (33%) in wheat grain yield was recorded in plots where two times Sorghum WE @ 20 L ha-1 was sprayed at 50 and 80 DAS over control. Cont†¦.. Experiment # 3 RESULTS & DISCUSSIONFINDING FROM EXPERIMENT # 3: †¢ Sorghum water extract was more effective than sunflower water extract and combination of both these extracts performed better than their sole application. Cont†¦.. CONCLUSION I. Stem + root water extract suppressed weed density by 33% over control i. e. about half of the effects of herbicide â€Å"Logron† application (72%) in wheat. The increase in grain yield in stem + root and stem + leaf WE treatments was statistically at par with hand weeding and herbicide application.Although root WE alone and in combination with stem or leaf WE was more effective in suppressing weeds and improving wheat yields but using whole plant sorghum herbage seems more practicable. II. Incorporation of sorghum herbage mulch @ 10 Mg ha-1 and two times sprays of sorghum WE @ 20 L ha-1 at 50 and 80 DAS decreased weeds density by about 42%, and weeds dry weig ht by 34%, respectively compared to control measured at 95 DAS. Maximum increase in wheat grain yield by 33% over control was recorded in plots where two times sorghum WE @ 20 L ha-1 was sprayed at 50 and 80 DAS.III. Sorghum WE was more effective than sunflower WE and mixture of sorghum and sunflower reduced weed density and weed dry weight by 27% and 26% over control respectively, and increased wheat yields by 48% over control. RECOMMENDATION †¢ The mixture of preceding allelopathic crop herbage use as mulch or water extract for weed management both for summer and winter crops need to be further investigated under different ecological zones of Pakistan. Muhammad Ashraf Professor of Agronomy [email  protected] com

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Consumer Traits and Behavior Paper

The practice of making a purchase or the influence of purchasing habits consists of several unseen processes. Most of these processes consist of consumer traits, social, psychological, decision, and behavior processes, which are in need of research. Organized study has gathered several theories and reasons concerning how, and why consumer traits and behavior have influence concerning the purchasing process. The consumer psychologist propose that each purchase made by consumers are in a number of ways influenced by components, such as cultural influences, psychological, and social processes, internal, and external factors. Consumers of today are demonstrating a desire for fresh products and services. Because of these desires, doors of opportunity are opened for consumers, marketing providers, and businesses to approve or disapprove new concepts. Organizations will need to conduct nationwide research concerning the consumer’s behavior, and his or her decision- making processes. The research will support a variety of roles and ideas for product development. A successful marketer understands the numerous causes, motivation, and influences of consumer purchasing. A psychological process occurs in the minds of individuals, and usually affects the individuals’ behavior. Concerning this topic, psychological process determines the consumer’s behavior. The team member will discuss three psychological processes, and three social processes. The team member will begin with psychological processes. Motivation: The internal force that encourages the consumer to take certain actions, Memory: Consumers use this process to store, acquire, retain, and retrieve information sometimes later. Perception: by perception, consumers interpret, and organize sensations that affect him or her, and important to his or her lives. A social process occurs in an individuals’ life or surroundings. An individuals’ social life may affect his or her patterns of behavior and interactions. Social influence processes include: Family and role influences: How individuals are raised and family roles often determine how he or she responds to the environment. Opinion leaders: Individuals are usually affected by those who influenced his or her life. Culture: Individuals may acquire similar or different interests, or likes. The importance of understanding consumer motivation will help businesses to develop marketing strategies that work. Businesses can communicate with his or her customer in ways that highlight his or her most valuable attributes. A successful business relies upon its capability to draw and keep customers, eager to buy goods and services at costs that will profit the business. Consumer perception explains how consumers and probable consumers view other companies, and his or her goods and service. Consumer perception becomes significant for a business because it can influence the customer’s behavior, which eventually affects the businesses profits. A variety of businesses spend huge quantities of capital to persuade customer awareness. Consumer perception can most times determine success or failure for a business. An example of this consists of an individual who own his or her restaurant, and the restaurant has a reputation for serving good food. The general perception would indicate that everyone should eat at this particular restaurant because it serves the best foods in town. This perception could boost revenue for the restaurant, but on the other hand if consumers had a negative perception about the restaurant, it could hinder profits. Consumer memory allows consumers to remember and identify information for future use. Therefore, memory plays an important role concerning the decision- making process of consumers, by moving his or her awareness and remembrance of marketing information. Consumers used information stored in his or her memory knowingly and unknowingly when making decisions. These decisions range from what brand and flavor of soda to drink or what manufacture, and type of car to purchase. By understanding these important processes marketers can better prepare to market new product and services to consumers.

Amul: Deary Cooperative in India Essay

Abstract In this paper we describe a case study of a dairy cooperative, AMUL, in western India that has developed a successful model for doing business in large emerging economy. It has been primarily responsible, through its innovative practices, for India to become world’s largest producer of milk. A subset of strategies followed by AMUL would still be very useful. Thus, firms that are contemplating addressing large undeveloped markets or have an intention of taking advantage of extensive but marginal supplier base would still benefit. Introduction The Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union Limited was established on December 14, 1946 as a response to exploitation of marginal milk producers in the city of Anand (in Kaira district of the western state of Gujarat in India) by traders or agents of existing dairies. Producers had to travel long distances to deliver milk to the only dairy, the Polson Dairy in Anand – often milk went sour, especially in the summer season, as producers had to physically carry milk in individual containers. These agents decided the prices and the off-take from the farmers by the season. Milk is a commodity that has to be collected twice a day from each cow/buffalo. In winter, the producer was either left with surplus unsold milk or had to sell it at very low prices. Moreover, the government at that time had given monopoly rights to Polson Dairy (around that time Polson was the most well known butter brand in the country) to collect milk from Anand and supply to Bombay city in tu rn (about 400 kilometers away). India ranked nowhere amongst milk producing countries in the world in 1946. The producers of Kaira district took advice of the nationalist leaders, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (who later became the first Home Minister of free India) and Morarji Desai (who later become the Prime Minister of India). They advised the farmers to form a cooperative and supply directly to the Bombay Milk Scheme instead of selling it to Polson (who did the same but gave low prices to the producers). Thus the Kaira District Cooperative was established to collect and process milk in the district of Kaira. Milk collection was also decentralized, as most producers were marginal farmers who would deliver 1-2 litres of milk per day. Village level cooperatives were established to organize the marginal milk producers in each of these villages. The first modern dairy of the Kaira Union was established at Anand (which popularly came to be known as AMUL dairy after its brand name). The new plant had the capacity to pasteurise 300,000 pounds of milk per day, manufacture 10,000 pounds of butter pe r day, 12,500 pounds of milk powder per day and 1,200 pounds of casein per day. Indigenous R&D and technology development at the Cooperative had led to the successful production of skimmed milk powder from buffalo milk – the first time on a commercial scale anywhere in the world. The foundations of a modern dairy industry in India had just been laid as India had one of the largest buffalo populations in the world. We move to year 2000. The dairy industry in India and particularly in the State of Gujarat looks very different. India has emerged as the largest milk producing country in the world. Gujarat emerges as the most successful State in terms of milk and milk product production through its cooperative dairy movement. The Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union Limited, Anand becomes the focal point of dairy development in the entire region and AMUL emerges as one of the most recognized brands in India, ahead of many international brands. Starting with a single shared plant at Anand and two village cooperative societies for milk procurement, the dairy cooperative movement in the State of Gujarat had evolved into a network of 2.12 million milk producers (called farmers) who are organized in 10,411 milk collection independent cooperatives (called Village Societies). These Village Societies (VS) supply milk to thirteen independent dairy cooperatives (called Unions). AMUL is one such Union. Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation or GCMMF is the marketing entity for products of all Unions in the State of Gujarat. GCMMF has 42 regional distribution centers in India, serves over 500,000 retail outlets and exports to more than 15 countries. All these organizations are independent legal entities yet loosely tied together with a common destiny. In a recent survey GCMMF was ranked amongst the top ten FMCG firms in the country while AMUL was rated the second most recognized brand in India amongst all Indian and MNC offerin gs. 2nd Phase: In 1966, Amul hired Sylvester daCunha, then managing director of the advertising agency AS to design a new ad campaign for Amul Butter. daCunha designed an add campaign as series of hoardings with topical ads, relating to day-to-day issues.[14]The campaign was widely popular and earned a Guiness world record for the longest running ad campaign in the world. Since the 1980s, cartoon artist Bharat Dabholkarhas been involved with sketching the Amul ads, who rejected the trend of using celebrities in advertisement campaigns. Despite encountering political pressure on several occasions, daCunha’s agency has made it a policy of not backing down. Some of the more controversial Amul ads include one commenting on Naxalite uprising in West Bengal, on the Indian Airlines employees strike, and the one depicting the Amul butter girl wearing a Gandhi cap. Amul hired DraftFCB+Ulka for the brands of Amul milk, chocolates, paneer, ghee, ice-cream. The establishment of Amul is also known as White Revolution. The White Revolution of India inspired the notable Indian film-makerShyam Benegal to base his film Manthan (1976) on it. The White Revolution ushered an era of plenty from a measly amount of milk production and distribution. Aside from the great measurable success that this project was, it also demonstrated the power of â€Å"collective might†. A small set of poor farmers of Kheda district in Gujarat had the vision and foresight to act in a way that was good for the society and not for the self alone. There have been several factors driving the restructuring of the dairy business (which has chiefly been organized around cooperative principles). These include efficiencies in managing fewer large plants versus a number of under-utilized small plants, need for more milk supply (and declining membership), need to offer wide variety, improvements in trucking & milk handling thereby facilitating long hauls, opening of new international markets (also markets for new products), seeking marketing clout and need to bring investment from outside the cooperatives. AMUL in India has learnt from many experiences and has been influenced by practices in dairies around the world especially in its formative years. It has, however, formed it own organizational structure (i.e., AMUL is a cooperative of village cooperatives) to bring about a change in the lives of marginal farmers of India. The AMUL experience has attracted considerable interest from the development community – predominantly an thropologists, development & agriculture economists, and political scientists. Key areas of their enquiry have been the role of AMUL in reducing social and economic inequality in the region of the cooperative, the sociology of cooperation, interface of the dairy cooperative and the rural power structure, relation of the State and the Cooperative and the role of government in its growth (interestingly, AMUL has successfully managed to exercise its independence from the government unlike other cooperatives in India), elements & replicability of the cooperative movement at Anand, cost effectiveness of subsidies to AMUL (in its initial years) etc. A few studies have evaluated the operational effectiveness of the operations at AMUL. Studies have reported usage of mobile veterinary dispensaries, wireless sets to link mobile units to service centers as early 1951, developing a programme of cross breeding of cows in early 1970s etc. that have led to a phenomenal rise in productivity of milk (Patel, 1988). AMUL’s Journey towards Excellence AMUL’s journey towards excellence is marked by some critical understanding of the business environment in large emerging economies like India where markets have to be developed by combining efficiency related initiatives with increasing the base of marginal suppliers and consumers. The essence of AMUL’s efforts were as follows: †¢ It combined market and social development in an emerging economy. It recognized the inter-linkages between various environments that governed the lives of marginal milk farmers and the unmet needs of consumers. It also changed the supply chain paradigm in order to reduce the cost to the consumer while increasing the return to the supplier. †¢ It realized that in order to achieve their objectives, it had to benefit a large number of people – both suppliers and consumers. While large scale had the danger of failure due to poor control and required more resources, it also had the advantage of creating a momentum that would be necessary to bring more people into the fold and thereby help more suppliers and consumers. †¢ It also realized that its goal could only be achieved in the long run and this required developing values in people and processes that were robust, replicable and transparent. †¢ It also realized that the cooperative would not be independent and viable in the face of competition if it were not financially sound. Leadership While Kaira Union (or AMUL) had the support of national leaders who were at the forefront of the Indian independence movement, its local leaders were trained in Gandhian simplicity and had their feet rooted firmly amongst people whom they had mobilized – the poor farmers of Anand. The foremost amongst them was Tribhuvandas Patel who had led the movement for the formation of cooperatives of small and marginal farmers in order to compete against investor owned enterprises on one hand, and keep bureaucracy away on the other hand. Tribhuvandas was the first Chairman of the cooperative. His skills lay in organizing the village producers, in making them believe in the power of cooperation and their rights towards improvement of human condition. He is remembered as fair and honest person whose highest sense of accountability to the members of the union laid the foundation of trust between network members. Another important aspect of his remarkable management style was his gentleness and ability to repose trust in people – he gave complete autonomy to managers of the union and earned complete commitment from them. Verghese Kurien was one such manager who would, first, shape the destiny of the Union and then the milk movement throughout the country. Several young people left better paying jobs to help create a dream of making India the milk capital of the world. Kurien had learnt the persuasive charm of Tribhuvandas through plain speaking and had soon created a cadre of highly capable managers to whom he had delegated both management as well as commitment. These leaders were created at the village, district and state levels in different organizations of the network. Tribhuvandas knew that his fledgling cooperative needed a technocrat manager who shared his concern for the farmers and also had the tenacity to organize marginal producers. Convincing farmers to join the cooperative required commitment bordering on stubbornness, a can do attitude and a desire to change lives of poor people. Verghese Kurien had those skills and had linkages to the government. He was charismatic in his communication and committed in his effort. Over a period of time, he developed a very close link with the poor farmers who, as he always says, â€Å"w ere his employers† at the cooperative. He would travel through the villages along with Tribhuvandas and work out the details of how the milk collection cooperative would work, how trucks would pickup milk from village societies, how the cattle would have to be taken care of and how all of this would help the poor milk farmer come out of poverty and the clutches of the middleman. Operational details were meticulously planned and executed. And then, he along with two of his close associates would work on the design of the dairy plant including conducting experiments to create powder out of buffalo milk – a task that was ridiculed by all who heard of it including the international aid agencies in the dairy industry. Tribhuvandas and Kurien were able to convince the government also of the value of his efforts and secured funding for several projects of the cooperative. Kurien’s biggest strength lay in his ability to convince people that the cause of rural farmers was important thus establishing an important shar ed value. Subsequently, he could convince the government to replicate the AMUL model in almost all states of the country. Strategy AMUL’s business strategy is driven by its twin objectives of (i) long-term, sustainable growth to its member farmers, and (ii) value proposition to a large customer base by providing milk and other dairy products a low price. Its strategy, which evolved over time, comprises of elements described below. Simultaneous Development of Suppliers and Customers: From the very early stages of the formation of AMUL, the cooperative realized that sustained growth for the long-term was contingent on matching supply and demand. Further, given the primitive state of the market and the suppliers of milk, their development in a synchronous manner was critical for the continued growth of the industry. The organization also recognized that in view of the poor infrastructure in India, such development could not be left to market forces and proactive interventions were required. Accordingly, AMUL and GCMMF adopted a number of strategies to assure such growth. For example, at the time AMUL was formed, the vast majority of consumers had limited purchasing power and was value conscious with very low levels of consumption of milk and other dairy products. Thus, AMUL adopted a low price strategy to make their products affordable and guarantee value to the consumer. The success of this strategy is well recognized and remains the main plank of AMUL’s strategy even today. To summarize, the dual strategy of simultaneous development of the market and member farmers has resulted in parallel growth of demand and supply at a steady pace and in turn assured the growth of the industry over an extended period of time. Cost Leadership: AMUL’s objective of providing a value proposition to a large customer base led naturally to a choice of cost leadership position. Given the low purchasing power of the Indian consumer and the marginal discretionary spending power, the only viable option for AMUL was to price its products as low as possible. This in turn led to a focus on costs and had significant implications for managing its operations and supply chain practices (described later). Focus on Core Activities: In view of its small beginnings and limited resources, it became clear fairly early that AMUL would not be in a position to be an integrated player from milk production to delivery to the consumer. Accordingly, it chose a strategy to focus on core dairy activities and rely on third parties for other complementary needs. This philosophy is reflected in almost all phases of AMUL network spanning R&D, production, collection, processing, marketing, distribution, retailing etc. For example, AMUL focused on processing of liquid milk and conversion to variety of dairy products and associated research and development. On the other hand, logistics of milk collection and distribution of products to customers was managed through third parties. However, it played a proactive role in making support services available to its members wherever it found that markets for such services were not developed. For example, in the initial stages, its small and marginal member farmers did not have access to finance, veterinary service, knowledge of basic animal husbandry etc. Thus to assure continued growth in milk production and supply, AMUL actively sought and worked with partners to provide these required services. Managing Third Party Service Providers: Well before the ideas of core competence and the role of third parties in managing the supply chain were recognized and became fashionable, these concepts were practiced by GCMMF and AMUL. From the beginning, it was recognized that the core activity for the Unions lay in processing of milk and production of dairy products. Accordingly, the Unions focused efforts on these activities and related technology development. Marketing efforts (including brand development) were assumed by GCMMF. All other activities were entrusted to third party service providers. These include logistics of milk collection, distribution of dairy products, sale of products through dealers and retail stores, some veterinary services etc. It is worth noting that a number of these third parties are not in the organized sector, and many are not professionally managed. Hence, while third parties perform the activities, the Unions and GCMMF have developed a number of mechanisms to retain control and assure quality and timely deliveries (see the sub-section on Coordination for Competitiveness later in the paper for more details). This is particularly critical for a perishable product such as liquid milk. Financial Strategy: AMUL’s finance strategy is driven primarily by its desire to be self-reliant and thus depend on internally generated resources for funding its growth and development. This choice was motivated by the relatively underdeveloped financial markets with limited access to funds, and the reluctance to depend on Government support and thus be obliged to cede control to bureaucracy. AMUL’s financial strategy may thus be characterized by two elements: (a) retention of surplus to fund growth and development, and (b) limited/ no credit, i.e., all transactions are essentially cash only. For example, payment for milk procured by village societies is in cash and within 12 hours of procurement (most, however, pay at the same time as the receipt of milk). Similarly, no dispatches of finished products are made without advance payment from distributors etc. This was particularly important, given the limited liquidity position of farmer/suppliers and the absence of banking facilities in rural India. This strategy strongly helped AMUL implement its own vision of growth and development. It is important to mention that many of the above approaches were at variance with industry practices of both domestic and MNC competitors of AMUL. Organization AMUL is organized as a cooperative of cooperatives (i.e., each village society, a cooperative in itself, is a member of the AMUL cooperative) thereby deriving the advantage of scale and uniformity in decision making. The founders of Kaira Union realized that to fulfill their objectives, a large number of marginal farmers had to benefit from the cooperative – a network of stakeholders had to be built. And once built, it had to grow so as to draw more rural poor to undertake dairy farming as a means of livelihood. The network had to have several layers – the organizational network where the voice of the owners governed all decisions, a physical network of support services and product delivery process and a network of small farmers that could deliver the benefit of a large corporation in the market place. More importantly, a process had to be put in place to build these networks. Building an organizational network that would represent the farmers and the customers was the most complicated task. A loose confederation was developed with GCMMF representing the voice of the customers, the Unions representing the milk processors and the village societies representing the farmers. Competition in the markets ensured that the entire network was responding to the requirements of the customers at prices that were very competitive. The task of ensuring that returns to the farmers was commensurate with the objectives with which the cooperatives were setup was achieved through representation of farmers at different levels of decision making throughout the network – the board of directors of societies, Unions and the Federation comprised farmers themselves. In order to ensure that most returns from sales went to the producers, the intermediaries had to operate very effectively and on razor thin margins. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise – the operations remained very â€Å"lean† and started to provide cost based advantage to the entire network. AMUL establ ished a group to standardize the process of organizing farmers into village societies. In addition to establishing the criteria for selecting members, the group had to train the VS to run the cooperative democratically, profitably and with concern for its members. This included establishing procedures for milk collection, testing, payment for milk purchased from member farmers and its subsequent sale to the union, accounting, ensuring timely collection and dispatch of milk on milk routes established by the union, etc. The Village Societies Division at AMUL acts as the internal representative of village societies in their dealings with the Union. Cooperative development programmes at the village level for educating & training its members have become an important part of the strategy to build this extensive network. Milk procurement activity at AMUL comprises development and servicing of village societies, increasing milk collection, procurement of milk from societies & its transport to the chilling locations, and resolving problems of farmers and village societies. Thei r stated objective is to ensure that producers get maximum benefits. The Village Societies Division coordinates these activities. Milk collection takes place over a large number of pre-defined routes according to a precise timetable. The field staff of this division also help village societies interface with the Union on various issues ranging from improvement of collection, resolving disputes, repair of equipments to obtaining financing for purchase of equipment etc. In addition, they are also responsible for the formation of new societies, which is an important activity at AMUL. In essence, the organization structure of AMUL allows effective utilization of resources without losing the democratic aspiration of individual members. It is obvious that such a system needs charismatic leadership to achieve consensus across issues – a process that has long-term benefits for any organization. Marketing GCMMF is the marketing arm of the network and manages the physical delivery and distribution of milk and dairy products from all the Unions to customers. GCMMF is also responsible for all decisions related to market development and customer management. These activities, which range from long-term planning to medium-term and short-term operational decisions are described below. As mentioned earlier, introduction of new products and choice of product mix and markets should be consistent with the growth strategy, and synchronous with growth in milk supply. GCMMF’s demand growth strategy may be characterized by two key elements: (i) developing markets for its high value products by graduating customer segments from low value products, and (ii) maintaining a healthy level of customer base for its base products (low value segment). This strategy often requires GCMMF to allocate sufficient quantity of milk supply to low value products, thereby sacrificing additional profits that coul d be generated by converting the same to high value products. Interestingly, advertisement & promotion (a la FMCG) was not considered to be enough of value addition and hence the budget was kept relatively small. Instead, GCMMF preferred a lower price with emphasis on efficiency in advertising. In this context, GCMMF provides umbrella branding to all the products of the network. For example, liquid milk as well as various milk products produced by different Unions are sold under the same brand name of AMUL. Interestingly, the advertising has centred on building a common identity (e.g., a happy & healthy â€Å"cartoon† AMUL girl) and evoking national emotion (e.g., the key advertising slogan says â€Å"AMUL – The Taste of India†). GCMMF also plays a key role in working with the Unions to coordinate the supply of milk and dairy products. In essence, it procures from multiple production plants (the thirteen Unions), which in turn procure from the Village Societies registered with each Union. GCMMF distributes its products through third party distribution depots that are managed by distributors who are exclusive to GCMMF. These distributors are also responsible for servicing retail outlets all over the country. GCMMF sales staff manages this process. Retailing of GCMMF’s products takes place through the FMCG retail network in India most of whom are small retailers. Liquid milk is distributed by vendors who deliver milk at homes. Since 1999, GCMMF has started web based ordering facilities for its customers. A well-defined supply chain has been developed to service customers who order in this manner.