Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Liquid Crystal Displays evolution into the future Essay

Liquid Crystal Displays evolution into the future - Essay Example iversity of Illinois argued with concern about the quality of monitors which by then were television sets used within the main computer producing very low quality pictures which were not well defined and difficult to identify the content and, or follow the programs that were being broadcasted (Adee, 2008, p. 81). Due to evolution of large and colored screens, the quality of pictures improved despite the high power consumption which was mainly as a result of large components with respect to the later versions but smaller compared to the older versions respectively, overheating, the quality became poorer afterwards due to constant overheating hence the need for a different screen monitor with better resolutions to help solve the problems that they had experienced previously with the cathode Ray Tube screens as well (Bellis, 2007, p. 37). This concern led to invention of LCD technology. The term â€Å"plasma† was used in regard to the technology because the pixels that enhance screen resolution depended on plasma cells. A plasma screen is a typical display panel contains millions of tiny plasma cells in compartmentalized spaces between two glass panels which when energized reflects light that focuses on the screen to create a field of view (Delepierre et., al, 2006, p. 30). LCD- This is a fourth state of matter after solid, liquid and gaseous states, which contains definite number of electrically charged particles. However, the interaction between the neutral particles and the charged particles plays a major role in determining the usefulness and the behavior of plasma. As the energized electrons move and vibrate between the two glasses, some of the electrons strike mercury particles moving through the plasma which increases surface area for the energy level in the molecules (Chemistry, 2011, p. 27). Each pixel in a plasma display comprises of three primary colors namely blue, red and green with respect to the IEE regulations, the voltage signal variations within

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